Oh, cool.
But what I want to know is whether, when she said that, a whole lot of painted, skinny guys in thongs rushed out and gyrated all around her 80s-style:
And then Elton John said: "I never cease to be amazed at the misogynist attitude of some of the people in this country. I say to hell with them."
Geezer John is a whole lot less fun than the youngish John in the "I'm Still Standing" video, which is exactly the sort of thing feminists of the time would deplore. And now he's grown up into one of those people who deplore things.
That's the protoype for 80s video work. That and Miss Me Blind by Culture Club and Girls on Film by Duran Duran.
And then Elton John said: "I never cease to be amazed at the misogynist attitude of some of the people in this country. I say to hell with them."
so IF Sir Elton did not vote for Mrs. Thatcher when she ran for Prime Minister.....he would then be a misogynist?
Elton's a racist for not supporting Obama.
Is EJ a US citizen? Or is he a 527 group (the kind that funnels foreign money into US elections).
Also, isnt he the one who reportedly only writes songs for dead blondes? Could be trouble.
Is EJ a US citizen?
No, Elton John's gift in kind to Hillary is another example of how her campaign is entangled with foreign interests: from her chief strategist's lobbying for Columbia to a Brit's performing on her behalf to Bill's raising $130 million dollars from a Canadian mining baron with whom he flew to Kazakhstan to introduce to their leaders -- and who eventually got the right to mine uranium there.
No matter your party affiliation, vote for a candidate not beholden to foreign interests.
Corrections: Colombia; Giustra's $130 million went to Bill's charities, not Bill or Hillary.
And then Elton John said: "I never cease to be amazed at the misogynist attitude of some of the people in this country. I say to hell with them."
Which people? Did he name names?
When she heard his remark, did HRC defend her fellow Americans, or was her silence tacit agreement? Did HRC find EJ's statement to be offensive, and refuse to take the money he raised? Or did she smile and pocket the money?
Does EJ have nay qualms about selling his CDs to misogynists, or has he decided to take the moral high ground by ending all sales of his CDs and DVDs in the US?
How has his love for the departed Princess Diana been able to overcome the misogyny of Prince Charles? Or does he despise his countryman as much has he despises Americans?
And then Michael_H said: "I'll never, ever buy another one of the poofter's CDs. Screw him."
Humorless scolds.
Liberal Dems have adopted this very unappealing persona. It reminds me of the ultra-thin daily runner who nibbles on mini-pretzels at lunch and takes the stairs at the office after running 5 miles that morning. Can they ever kick back and truly enjoy themselves?
Or maybe I was wrong. That could be the case, and I apologize to all parties.
Sir Elton was simply offering a comment about HRC's husband, and was not disparaging all Americans. Only that one guy.
Perhaps it its time to resurrect yeasterdays Paglia quote:
The male staff who Hillary attracts are slick, geeky weasels or rancid, asexual cream puffs."
And apply it to not just staff, but a certain simpering coterie of Hillary's male milquetoast addicionados.
(Here's looking at you, Sir Elton!
Here's looking at you, pride of the Royal Navy sailor! Who said the Iranians made him cry by saying mean things about his looks and calling him "Mr. Bean".)
which is exactly the sort of thing feminists of the time would deplore.
Sure, Ann, I remember it well. We were all up in arms over it. But I was too wrapped up in the Stop Benny Hill! campaign to raise the alarm over a poncey closet queen patting a woman's ass in a bad video.
Where do you get these "feminists deplore" fantasies?
No, Elton John's gift in kind to Hillary is another example of how her campaign is entangled with foreign interests:
Scary! Oh what a foreign tangled web we weave! A fundraising concert in NYC for Hillary from a recording artist. Be vawy vawy afraid!
Poor Barack has to do it the hard way. He gets all his money from little grassroots people with a little help at a stop at Billionaires Row.
Poor Barack has to do it the hard way. He gets all his money from Americans
He also branded Americans racists after some American Idol vote.
I wonder if his Thatcher song could be considered misogynistic. Ya think?
Can you hear it in the distance
Can you sense it far away
Is it old Rudolph the reindeer
Is it Santa on his sleigh
It's heading up to Easington
It's coming down the Tyne
Oh it's bloody Maggie Thatcher
And Michael Heseltine
So merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher
May God's love be with you
We all sing together in one breath
Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher
We all celebrate today
'Cause it's one day closer to your death
They've come to raid your stockings
And to steal your Christmas pud
But don't be too downhearted
It's all for your own good
The economic infrastructure
Must be swept away
To make way for call centres
And lower rates of pay
And they've brought their fascist boot boys
And they've brought the boys in blue
And the whole Trade Union Congress
Will be at the party too
And they'll all hold hands together
All standing in a line
'Cause they're privatising Santa
This merry Christmas time
Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Heseltine
You're a tosser, you're a tosser
And you're just a Tory Swine
With just a little work, Elton could become what Florence King has called a "misanthrope of the naked intellect", which has its origins in honesty and its basis in logic, one who "hates people straight down the line with no exceptions and no regrets ".
This is entirely less destructive than the "tender misanthrope" Elton evinces in his comment, who favor barbarism over tradition and virtue,
"The noble savages, simple peasants, and wailing hysterics Rousseau enshrined are now the dominant force in American life -hugging each other, finding their inner child, and letting unleashed emotions wash over them in today's version of the verdant canopy: The professional talk show" with its cheapness, tawdriness, and utter lack of class".
That is, one of Hillary's wretched compassionate misanthropes.
Here's hoping Elton exchanges the lesser for the greater misanthropy.
He gets all his money from Americans
Thank goodness American contributors never have ulterior motives.
"Where do you get these "feminists deplore" fantasies?"
From having lived through the era, read a lot, and been surrounded by people who were strong feminists. There was a strong feminist movement at the UW Law School at the time. I read and listened to the feminists of the 1980s period, and I wrote things myself that were in that genre. I have written articles that have been assigned materials in women's studies classes. So I was one of the deplorers myself. You could look it up.
That's the protoype for 80s video work. That and Miss Me Blind by Culture Club and Girls on Film by Duran Duran.
Heh. Too true.
But really, just about any Duran Duran video from their first two albums qualifies - they pretty much typified the early 80s look and feel. Good times.
He gets all his money from Americans
The fundraiser was in NYC. Foreign nationals are unable to contribute to a campaign. Even Hillary's. I wish it were possible for you to appreciate how abysmally stupid this remark was. But I understand it was about a Clinton, and like many that naturally turns your brain into conspiratorial jello.
Its not really a complete thought unless we get Bernie Taupin's as well. I mean if we are going to assign him any credibility based on his music. That's why we care what he thinks isn't it? His music. You know Rocket Man, Tiny Dancer. That's why his opinion is important, isn't it? (Birds chirp)
So I could google "Althouse deplores Elton John video" and actually get a result? I suppose I was hanging with the wrong feminists back then myself. Or the right ones, depending on your point of view.
I would have thought HRC would be avoiding public appearances with Elton John. The whole "Bitch is Back" association doesn't work in her favor.
I don't think I was writing on the internet in the 80s. You could research my law review articles and see that I wrote things in the feminist genre that I'm talking about. Not about music videos, though if I'd been able to blog at the time, I would have.
Have we reached the point where saying "look it up" means "Google"?
That video is so awful. The song is awful too.
What queen came up with painted guys in thongs?
Wham's Wake Me Up Before you Go Go is also really 80's. Although I love Wham's Young Guns video.
Human League's Keep Feeling Fascination was also really 80's-love the Human League.
Heaven 17's-We Live So Fast is also very 80's-love Heaven 17.
Eurthymics-Sweet Dreams also very 80's-what was the cow doing in that video?
Yes, I use Google to mean that all the time. If I recall correctly, a couple of years back the Google people made an effort to discourage us from doing that, so it became all the more appealing to me.
Ann, I'm yanking your chain, just a little reverse "feminists are so humorless" pranking. I found your "feminists would have deplored this" remark sort of silly, and particularly so in context of your "ruthlessly neutral" coverage of the campaign, which is turning out to be more toothless than ruthless, and not at all neutral.
I'm not dissing your feminist creds, just laughing a bit at how you manage to stuff almost all your Clinton coverage into a "feminists who like Clinton are hypocrites" box, whether it fits or not.
Would it be better if I said I'll LexisNexis you?
Have we reached the point where saying "look it up" means "Google"?
Pretty much.
Ann was a member of The Deplorers? Was that some sort of cover band?
Beth said...
But I was too wrapped up in the Stop Benny Hill!
However much I appreciate the thought, I can't say you were too effective as he still shows up on BBC America.
I am glad I am not a member of some "deplorer group"-that sounds depressing.
I am all about love and fun and contentment and aligned chakras and wide seconds.
titus, the 80s were unfortunate in so many ways. The painted codpieces are just one of the many indignities. If I search my memory, it's all a blur of shoulder pads and Nagel prints. Thankfully, I stopped buying Elton John albums after Goodbye Yellow Brick Road; I must have missed his MTV years.
titus, I don't recall any of the videos of those songs, though. Other notable videos were Whitney's I wanna dance with somebody -- all that paint! And I guess I shouldn't've ignored Beat it, Billie Jean or Thriller. And Sledgehammer. And Take on Me. Girls just want to have fun.
I loved the late 80s.
I'm not dissing your feminist creds, just laughing a bit at how you manage to stuff almost all your Clinton coverage into a "feminists who like Clinton are hypocrites" box, whether it fits or not.
More like Ann fits all her feminist coverage into Clinton coverage.
Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly = Not sexists
Bill and Hillary Clinton = Single handedly ruined feminism. Why? She won't say, we can only guess that it was Hillary didn't consult with her whether or not to divorce, and presumably had the gall to pursue a elected political career at the age of 60.
The 80's were pretty gay weren't they.
I love the 80's MadisonMan.
I love a lot of the UK groups from the 80's:
Haircut 100
Human League
New Order
Depeche Mode-who are still going strong
Frankie Goes To Hollywood
Culture Club
Flock of Seagulls
Men Without Hats-although they are Canadian
Adam Ant
And Many more.
I love the hair and the guys seemed to be so gay.
I can go on youtube for hours and watch that shit.
The cloths were really bad though.
Shoulder Pads are nasty. It reminds me of Linda Evans on Dynasty-which I guess was really 80's.
A Ha-Take on Me-definitely.
I loved Human Leagues-Don't You Want Me Baby.
I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar when I met you.
You picked me up and la la la.
It's 70 here in NYC and I am going home to visit my mother in Madison and she told me it is going to be a high of 35 on Saturday. That sucks.
Then I begin my cross country road trip-can't wait.
My Tibetan cleaners should be arriving soon. I have my daily affirmations book by the Dalai Lama sitting out to show my solidarity with their plight. It's the little things in life that I do like that that shows I am one with other cultures.
Titus to show your solidarity with Tibet, when you walk the clumbers today if you see anyone using and carrying a cigarette lighter you should knock them on the ground. It's the latest fad.
Strange, my 80s was filled with Elvis Costello, This Mortal Coil, Kate Bush, Tuxeedomoon, Brain Eno, and various creators of industrial noise.
I avoided entirely the painted codpieces, shoulder pads, and overall neon crappiness that seemed to infect so much of that decade.
Not in a "I was better than you" way at all though, merely that "I was luckier".
Bill and Hillary Clinton = Single handedly ruined feminism. Why? She won't say,
Really? I thought Althouse had stated her views on this subject any number of times.
It has to do with the banging. The Clinton bang-o-rama, the physical banging, the mental banging, Elton banging the USA, Bang, Bang, Bang.
garage mahal: Elton John made a gift in kind to the HRC campaign, worth at least $250K according to my estimate. Let's see, how can I explain this to you: EJ is in the business of providing a service, the performance of music. In other words, people pay him to perform. Here, (follow closely now) Hillary's campaign did not pay EJ to perform, yet he performed anyway. Thus, his performance was a donation of his services. The value of the gift would be Elton's regular and customary fee for such a performance.
Now, what were Elton's services worth here? Elton's rates are not available on the web, but he will perform at corporate events and weddings. He holds concerts in 5000 seat auditoriums. Let's say Elton sells out your 5000 seat hall (reasonable) for an average ticket cost of $100 (conservative). Giving EJ half (conservative) would be $250K.
Further, as you may recall, HRC lent her campaign $5 million this year. HRC's tax return shows that last year, roughly half of Bill's income from speechifying came from foreign countries, over $6 million dollars. (HRC earned $150K from the Senate plus $300K from Simon and Schuster, so Bill's efforts are bringing in the lion's share of the Clinton's funds.) Unless she can trace her funds exclusively to US sources, some of her campaign funds thus come from foreign sources.
Congratulations! That's quite a scoop Champ. Perhaps you missed the "Change Rocks" concert for The Obamas by Dave Matthews last Sunday that he did for free? Cute trick too is Obama's staff started handing out free tickets to it on a college campus just as Bill was about to speak to people in line waiting. Anyways, the rest of your post is boilerplate Clinton Derangement dribble I'm afraid. Unless you think proof of income is proof of illegality, then of course that might give us hints as to why "former" is in your pseudonym. She released her tax records just for you FLS, have at it and come back with a link and just maybe you can make it bigtime and get you back into law school!
Strange, my 80s was filled with Elvis Costello, This Mortal Coil, Kate Bush, Tuxeedomoon, Brain Eno, and various creators of industrial noise.
This must be why, occasionally, you and I find something to agree on, Pogo. Most of those are people/groups are on my iPod right now.
Elton is for Hillary, and the Dead and Dave Matthews are for Obama.
Who is for McCain? Patti Page? Paul Anka?
gm: Unlike Elton John, Dave Matthews is an American citizen, so his performing for free raises no issues. Americans should be concerned that a significant portion of Hillary's wealth comes from foreign sources; this suggests her loyalty is likewise divided. Her chief strategist's shilling for Colombia until it became a political liability furthers that suggestion.
Unfortunately there is no smoking gun in her tax return; Bill's foreign earnings are listed merely as coming from "Canada/various countries." But even a Clintonista should wonder why Bill is whoring, excuse me, hiring himself out to so many foreign interests.
That quite makes my day; it really does. At the time during my college years in Omaha I knew exactly no one who listened to any of this, except for one dude in a record shop.
It's wonderful to find someone who appreciates that stuff. The rest of me may be rather disagreeable, but music might soothe even this savage breast. (I suppose that's a long way of saying maybe I'm not a complete jerk.)
Newest faves:
Cat Power, Muse, Maria Taylor, and Omaha's own Bright Eyes. William Basinski for ambient.
Ah, '80s pop. I swear I nearly quit a job once over the number of times Rick Astley was in the rotation on a radio station my employer insisted on blaring.
Beth & Pogo: Oh, yeah! But, not surprisingly, I listened to a whole bunch of other stuff, too, willingly and/or unwillingly. I consider it a form of promiscuity, truth be told, or maybe eye-poking. In any case, I certainly knew better, having been a recent alumna of college radio, back then.
Also, huh: I was picturing you as older than I, Pogo, when it's apparently the opposite. No offense intended.
Elton is for Hillary, and the Dead and Dave Matthews are for Obama.
Who is for McCain? Patti Page? Paul Anka?
I think he's trying to resurrect Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey.
Hey, the 80's were fucking awesome. Best decade with the best President ever. The debate is over. Yeah shoulder pads were dumb but I'll take 80's fashion over the homeless look and pants down to the ankles so prevalent with the teenage dorks today.
The music wasn't filled with whiney angst either. Possibly because it reflected the positive outlook of people at the time rather than the constant liberal whining over impending doom of Reagan initiated nuclear warfare.
God I miss those days.
No offense at all. I was born 40. I have been a curmudgeon since I could read. And that's kinda ugly in a kid; just imagine. Now I am a Geriatrician (go figure).
Yay for musical promiscuity. Patsy Cline, Billie Holiday, Scott Joplin, Muddy Waters, Erik Satie, Abba, and even some Pink songs. I hope heaven has music and books, or I want a refund.
Rick Astley!
My son says the message boards he reads will occasionally post a fake link ostensibly about the new Batman movie or something, only to be this, saying "You Got Rick Rolled."
You old farts got to live in the present day. Didn't you hear Miley Cyrus on American Idol last night. Now that's entertainment. Get with it hep cats.
And as far as Elton John and '80's videos go, the absolute worst one I ever saw was the Michael Jackson cover of "Don't let your son go down on me."
The rest of me may be rather disagreeable, but music might soothe even this savage breast.
For what its worth Pogo, I never thought of you as a boob.
And Shelia E was on and looking very tasty to me as I enjoy a fully upholstered woman when I want to take someone out for a ride.
The music wasn't filled with whiney angst either. Well, I don't know that this applies across the board, but in any case ... that era quickly birthed Nirvana, for example. Some people I know nurse a grudge over that.
Now the late great Robert Palmer, now that was some great freakin' videos. I want those models following me around playing my theme song...oh yeah.
Trooper: You must be thinking of that breast video.
I am always thinking of breast videos.
Well, breast videos and Baby got back, here done Gilbert and Sullivan Style.
All this time and no one's mentioned Olivia Newton John's "Let's Get Physical." I'm ashamed of all of you.
Bill: One of the advantages of beginning to forget things is ... forgetting certain things.
Please do me the favor of not reminding me, in those cases, 'kay?
Garage -
"Foreign nationals are unable to contribute to a campaign. Even Hillary's. I wish it were possible for you to appreciate how abysmally stupid this remark was."
Not so stupid. The first and the biggest 527 groups were formed around funding from foreign nationals. These sources of "not-campaign funding" dwarf all the other campaign donations. IMS. I might be wrong, but I think the relative numbers are correct.
Sir EJ only feels good about himself in mourning. Hillary - be afraid.
I also liked Kate's Bush-This Womans' Work is a beautiful song.
Other favorites from the 80's are:
Style Council
Roxy Music-love Brian big Ferry
Yaz-Don't Go!!!
Fun Boy Three
Oingo Boingo
Tom Tom Club
Sylvester-God rest her soul
B-52's-God rest Ricky Wilson's soul
Nomi-God rest her soul
Bronski Beat
Queen-of course-Freddy Mercury was amazing
Pet Shop Boys-of course-I was like 15 when West End Girls came out and I was in heaven.
Now I am also listening to Bright Eyes-that are pretty anti-Bush-thought that might not fly with the Pogs.
Also REM's new CD is great.
So is B-52's.
I like Hole quite a bit too. I was listening to Violet during the gym today. Doll Parts is a great song too. Love Courtney Love-she has nice tits.
In the 90's I was all about:
Stone Temple Pilots-Scott Weiland's hot
Pearl Jam
Beck-still love
Bjork-still love
Fiona Apple-still love-I wanted to fuck her after I saw her videos.
Hole is absolutely the best name for a female rock group.
Oh and I always loved REM-all their stuff.
Why did you run so far away?
I loved Ministry too. Their album With Sympathy was great. EveryDay Is Halloween and Revenge are sweet.
And Berlin-Sex I'm A and Riding on the Metro were great songs.
Thompson Twins-Lies Lies Lies they are going to get you.
Oh and Missing Persons.
OK, I just watched a bunch of old B-52's songs.
I so loved them back in the 80's. I remember when Ricky died in 1985-I cried.
I love Cindy Wilson, the blonde chick. Hi may name is Cindy, I am a pisces and I like Chihauhas and Chinese Noodles.
They had some of the best songs:
Song For A Future Generation
She Brakes for Rainbows
Summer of Love
Girl From Ipanea Goes to Greenland
Planet Claire
Private Idaho
God they were great.
Cindy is now 60 years old.
Cindy is now 60 years old.
So much for Let's meet and have a baby now
La, La, la la la la.
Sorry I was wrong. Cindy is 50 not 60-big difference.
I love her.
Queen-of course-Freddy Mercury was amazing
Yeah but tell the truth Titus, would you let a guy with teeth like that near your hog?
'E come up fast, 'e come up 'ard, bu' 'e dint forget 'is mum,
Now 'e genuflects to 'illary while 'e takes it up the bum.
f l s said: "But even a Clintonista should wonder why Bill is whoring, excuse me, hiring himself out to so many foreign interests."
Well, that's an easy one. He's a greedy prick. The large part in the suit with a smiley face on top that appears in photo ops is just along for the ride.
By extension then, as it were, if we should be discussing Hillary...
Hoosier I meant Freddy was an amazing performer, not amazing in a sexual way.
Definitely, wouldn't go near him. He kind of had a leather look to him and I am not into leather.
Ahh, the 80's. A great time for music! Corelli and Buxtehude and Henry Purcell and Lully. And the decade saw the birth of some blockbuster acts, like JS Bach and Händel and Rameau and Telemann and hell even Scarlatti, though he was totally light pop, wrote some cute tunes.
Oh wait, you're not talking about the 1680s?
Were you the B-52's only 45 year old fan back in the day titus?
When Hillary loses he can rewrite A Candle in the Wind, like he did for Princess Di.
A Candle Snuffed Out.
One of my favorite albums is Two Rooms, all Elton John hits covered by other people. Best on there IMHO: a kick ass version of Levon - Jon Bon Jovi, with a most touching tribute on the inside paper thingie, Daniel - Wilson Phillips, a really cool version of Rocket Man - Kate Bush, beautiful rendition of Sacrifice - Sinead O'Connor, and hauntingly beautiful Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Oleta Adams. Thank you Elton John, you little prick, and Bernie Taupin for a lifetime of wonderful music.
Hoosier I meant Freddy was an amazing performer, not amazing in a sexual way.
My bad Titus. I should have known that when you referred to him as a fantastic performer rather than a fabulous performer.
I stand corrected and chastened.
And for a little current culture, the black thong wearing male dancer with the police cap in that video is none other than the Italian judge - Bruno - from Dancing with the Stars.
I'll bet this haunts him.
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