March 10, 2008

"Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring."

Shocker NYT headline.

The governor spoke for perhaps a minute and did not address his political future.

He declined to take questions and promised to report back soon. As he went to leave, three reporters screamed out, "Are you resigning? Are you resigning?", and Mr. Spitzer charged out of the room, slamming the door.
And good God, all he's accused of is going to a prostitute, not participating in running a prostitution ring, which is what the headline made me think. But sure, run the man out of office and destroy him for visiting a prostitute once. What vicious times these are. But he was on the prosecuting end of the crime of prosecution:
As attorney general, he ... prosecuted at least two prostitution rings...

In one such case in 2004, Mr. Spitzer spoke with revulsion and anger after announcing the arrest of 16 people for operating a high-end prostitution ring out of Staten Island.

“This was a sophisticated and lucrative operation with a multitiered management structure,” Mr. Spitzer said at the time. “It was, however, nothing more than a prostitution ring.”
So run out of the room and slam the door. There will be no sympathy.

ADDED: Stephen Bainbridge comments and links back to his own earlier attacks on Spitzer. He also provides a link to the complaint (PDF), where we can see that Spitzer (allegedly) paid $4,300 for the encounter. Well, $4,300 so far. Seems like he's going to pay a lot more.


Brian Doyle said...

Shocker indeed.

I'll just say that I had my doubts about the guy when he basically admitted to using the NY state police to investigate NY Sen. Republicans.

Can't say I saw this coming, tho!

titusinfirstposition said...

This is shocking. This is huge news in NYC.

He has very few friends in Albany.

He's done. Stick a fork in him.

What a hypocrite. He was Mister Ethics!

Joseph Bruno hates him and must be thrilled.

American Liberal Elite said...

Schadenfreude, anyone?

Sloanasaurus said...

Wasn't he the attorney general in NY for a while? prosecuting prostitution rings?

I thought Democrats were elected to clean up corruption.

First Obama and Rezko, now Spitzer and prostitution.

titusinfirstposition said...

He did prosecute prostitute rings in the past, yes.

Peter V. Bella said...

What goes around comes around. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Mr. Clean wallowing in filth.

Wait, wait, maybe, just maybe, he can use the old excuse- he was conducting undercover(s) research into high end prostitution rings so he could go after them.

Balfegor said...

Wow. Spitzer is just about the last person I would have suspected in this connection. Reading the article, I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop -- the tip-off that this is a parody or something. This is really unexpected.

Original Mike said...

The NYTs said: Mr. Spitzer gained national attention when he served as attorney general with his relentless pursuit of Wall Street wrongdoing.

Well, that's one way to put it.

If this turns out to be true, my only comment is, "it couldn't a happened to nicer guy".

Anonymous said...

Shocking? Nah, it's usually the self-important I'm-cleaner-than-you politicians that seem most vulnerable to the wandering penis syndrome.

Spitzer has, to his detriment, always been the star of his own movie.

Insert your favorite comment here about politicians, getting screwed, taxpayers and prostitutes.

Wouldn't it be refreshing to elect a wealth politician who openly stated that he or she will boink without regret whomever he or she chooses, and that his or her spouse (if any) has granted prior approval?

Yeah, a billionaire politician who didn't have to hustle for campaign money or presidential library funds, or book rights, and could boink anyone he or she wanted, now that would be .....boring, because down deep, we're all voyeurs.

titusinfirstposition said...

He is the last person you would expect-completely agree Balfegor.

That is what makes this so shocking.

What a complete idiot.

The Emperors Club VP is where he did this. The cost of the prostitute costs $1000 to $5500 an hour. Those are expensive hookers. Must be top line tail.

Original Mike said...

Here's guessing that the NYTs has a lot more on this story than they had on the McCain one.

But then again, maybe not.

titusinfirstposition said...

Normally I hate the New York Times but today I love it for this story.

Original Mike said...

Balfegor said: Wow. Spitzer is just about the last person I would have suspected in this connection.

Why would that be?

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael_H said...
Wouldn't it be refreshing to elect a wealth politician who openly stated that he or she will boink without regret whomever he or she chooses, and that his or her spouse (if any) has granted prior approval?

We already did. His enabling wife is running for President now.

titusinfirstposition said...

"Why would that be?"

Because he was known for a crime fighter and busted prostitution rings.

Balfegor said...

Why would that be?

Because he seems so cold and inhuman.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Spitzer: I'm shocked shocked to find prostitution going on in here!

Aide: Governor Spitzer, the girl you ordered is here. Double Ds and redhead just the way you like em.

Spizter: Oh, thank you.

The Drill SGT said...

Because he was known for a crime fighter and busted prostitution rings.

one could argue he was a shake down artist posing as AG. The nasty tactics he used on Wall Street were the same ones he used in Albany. Threaten exposure or bad press or malicious procseution in exchange for plea deals.

Peter V. Bella said...

TV News claims that he is expected to resign. I hope he gets indicted too. It would be a great pleasure to see him treated the way he has treated others.

Original Mike said...

Titus, he was known for strong arming businesses to advance his political carrer. It won't surprise me one bit if it turns out to be true.

But Balfegor has a good point. Seen in that light, this is a bit surprising.

titusinfirstposition said...

He is cold and inhuman. I can't even imagine him wanting to have sex or having sex.

But obviously he likes sex.

This just proves that we live in a depraved society and that the only way for us to avoid these temptations is through the word of God.

I for one am disgusted and outraged regarding this type of behavior.

rhhardin said...

linked to prostitution ring

I didn't know he was married.

MadisonMan said...

So will he resign? I'm thinking he has to. But I thought the same about other politicians who display the true limpet touch when caught with their hand in the candy jar, so to speak.

Brian O'Connell said...

Now his wife's going to have to stand next to him with a forgiving look on her face during the inevitable press conference. That's the worst part of this.

For once I'd like one of these political wives to punch the guy in the eye and leave the mansion with the kids. But they never do. Power overcomes dignity I suppose.

titusinfirstposition said...

He has to resign. Yes, we will all have to see the poor wife now-who is hot.

Dick Grasso is partying right now.

rhhardin said...

As long as no dead dominatrix is involved, he can still do sports.

Brian Doyle said...

Power overcomes dignity I suppose.

As does wankery.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Spitzer was normal once but, by happenstance, he caught a glance of the lovely Althouse on the streets of Brooklyn. After that, his life spiraled out of control into a secret life of hos and more hos.

Hoosier Daddy said...

For once I'd like one of these political wives to punch the guy in the eye and leave the mansion with the kids. But they never do. Power overcomes dignity I suppose.

Actually its the deep pockets more than the power methinks.

I think forgiveness is based a lot on how big daddy's paycheck is.

Bob said...

Thank God we're safe because she's not a lobbyist.

Wonder how he feels knowing the next couple of days he's the meat for late night?

titusinfirstposition said...

What kind of press conference was that?

I wanted tears and the sad wife and cameras and drama.

That was bullshit.

Peter V. Bella said...
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titusinfirstposition said...

By the way men are pigs.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope this is interesting in a voyeuristic sort of way. Plain 'ol vanilla sex with a hooker...boring.

But a Dick Morris-like romp complete with kibble and a dog collar, now that's interesting.

Add in, say, twins, a dwarf, chocolate syrup, fishing lures, lip-synching Patti Lupon singing "Evita", a feather boa and Chuck Schumer. Now that would be interesting. A man of his power and abilities ought to be more creative than an ordinary schlub who plays with hookers.

Hoosier Daddy said...

By the way men are pigs.

Of course we are. We have hogs.

vnjagvet said...

Another tiresome example of how the world's two oldest professions interact.

Peter V. Bella said...

Rumor has it- not verified yet- that he has been indicted by the Southern District of New York- his former prosecutorial stomping grounds. The indictments were just unsealed.

Peter V. Bella said...

Will he be forced to do the perp walk? Will he be publically humiliated like the people he humiliated?

titusinfirstposition said...

I hope he was involved with dressing like David Vitter and they have pictures.

Him wearing a diaper and having a rattle would be hot.

Anonymous said...

Spitzer is a supporter of Hillary Clinton.

Irony, sweet irony.

titusinfirstposition said...

Oh hes on again. The poor wife. She's pretty.

Sloanasaurus said...

Normally I hate the New York Times but today I love it for this story.

I heard that he was about to be indicted by a federal court. If so, I wouldn't give any kudos to the NY Times.

titusinfirstposition said...

Can you imagine Hilary Clinton's statement about this?

By the way I guess she just lost a superdelegate.

Original Mike said...

fishing lures?

Peter V. Bella said...

"I would like to address a private matter..."

What a lunk head. Does he really think this was a private matter? A violation of personal trust? The Governor of New York? The Sheriff of Wall Street? A private matter?

He must have read Bill Clinton's rule book on private conduct.

KCFleming said...
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Sloanasaurus said...

By the way I guess she just lost a superdelegate.

Oh the irony/conspiracy - a way to link the Hillary/Obama match-up to this scandal. What if the LT Gov. (an African American from Harlem) turns out to be an Obama supporter.

KCFleming said...

I am a f*cking steamroller and I'll roll over you or anybody else."

Gov. Spitzer, 1/31/07

Peter V. Bella said...

"I am a f*cking steamroller...

He got steam rolled. Then the steam roller went in reverse to make sure the job was complete.

Original Mike said...

He must have read Bill Clinton's rule book on private conduct.

Bill Cinton's highly successful rule book on private conduct.

Richard Dolan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
From Inwood said...

Client 9 From Outer Space Runs Out Of Room

Hey it’s personal. But as someone said “The personal is political” at least here for the “Sheriff of Wall Street”.

Not aware of anyone who’s been as self-righteous as The Hon Spitzer in my lifetime. Hard to feel sorry for him.

Chutzpah or Hubris, take your choice.

BTW, the movie reference is for Trooper Y

Richard Dolan said...

A few years ago, it was NJ Gov. Jim McGreevey who resigned after having been forced to admit to an affair (in his case with the man he had appointed to be NJ's top security official). Now it's Spitzer's turn to get caught up in a sex scandal.

The dalliance that will bring Spitzer down occurred only three weeks ago. With all the investigations going on about his claim not to have known what his chief aides were up to in the effort to get Sen. Bruno (the top NY Rep official), Spitzer had to take "Master of the Universe" arrogance to new heights to do what he did. Given how he has conducted himself, "shocking" isn't the right word to describe the situation. Spitzer just didn't believe that the normal rules applied to him. It's a story about hubris and arrogance.

Other than the McGreevey parallel, one other similar situation in NY comes to mind. Some years ago, NY's Chief Judge (Sol Wachtler) became infatuated with a woman and, when she called off the affair, he wouldn't take "no" for an answer. He began harrassing her, and was eventually charged by the US Atty in New Jersey with various criminal offenses. Spitzer's MO was a bit different, but he shared the arrogance and the sense that ordinary rules didn't apply to him that destroyed Wachtler.

NY may be about to get its first black (and legally blind) governor -- David Patterson.

Brian O'Connell said...

Spitzer's statement:

We vowed to bring real change to New York and that will continue.

(I hope to stay.)

Today, I want to briefly address a private matter.

(...that shouldn't really be any of your concern, but you seem to think it is.)

I have acted in a way that violated the obligations to my family and that violates my — or any — sense of right and wrong.

(It's about my family more than the public or law-breaking.)

I apologize first, and most importantly, to my family.

(The public isn't as important.)

I apologize to the public, whom I promised better.

(I don't want to say exactly that I did anything illegal. Just not as good as maybe it could have been perhaps.)

I do not believe that politics in the long run is about individuals.

(The problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy mixed up world. Someday you'll understand that.)

It is about ideas, the public good and doing what is best for the State of New York.

(My ideas are still good, so this shouldn't matter.)

But I have disappointed and failed to live up to the standard that I expect of myself.

(My own standards are more important than yours. I don't care if I disappointed you.)

I must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family.

(During which time I'll wait to see if this all blows over.)

I will not be taking questions.

(Cause they'll be hard, and I'm not ready to reveal my hand.)

Thank you very much. I will report back to you in short order.

(After I see whether this statement works.)

Thank you very much.

From Inwood said...

BTW Another example of what the WSJ or Instapundit refers to as "Name that Party".

Trooper York said...

Mildred Rogers: You cad, you dirty swine! I never cared for you, not once! I was always makin' a fool of ya! Ya bored me stiff; I hated ya! It made me SICK when I had to let ya kiss me. I only did it because ya begged me, ya hounded me and drove me crazy! And after ya kissed me, I always used to wipe my mouth! WIPE MY MOUTH!
(Of Human Bondage, 1934)

vnjagvet said...

Wachter's squeeze was the (now former) wife of one my law school classmates, who was chair of a very successful North Jersey law firm.

Wachter's machinations cost my friend his marriage and nearly his health.

Guys like Wachter, Spitzer and our randy ex-President at some level believe that rules of civilized conduct don't apply to them.

Roger J. said...

I love the smell of schadenfreude in the AM--this is the guy who shook down firms as the AG of NY.
Lets see if he resigns--I am betting no. He's going to tough this one out. And then see what the voters of NY do.

Chet said...

$5,500.00 an hour.

No glass ceiling in that occupation.

Peter V. Bella said...

One of the business channels claims that Wall Street erupted in applause over the news of Spitzer's "personal" problem.

MadisonMan said...

Visiting a prostitute isn't resign-able, unless you've made a career out of, among other things, busting prostitution rings. Americans can forgive a lot, but not blatant, really blatant, hypocrisy in politicians.

Joaquin said...

It's not like he was in a public bathroom tapping his foot.

dick said...

As to the political wife smacking him in the eye and moving out with the kids, a former first lady in Maryland did even better. She threw the governor out of the governor's mansion and she lived there while the governor lived in a hotel room across the street. She would lend him the mansion for special events and then throw him out again. Loved it!! BTW he was a democrat shortly after Spiro became VP.

Darkbloom said...

Somewhere in a coffee bar in Williamsburg a Law & Order writer has just finished the first draft of an upcoming episode.

dick said...

They re-elected Buba, didn't they - and he was one of the most blatant hypocrites of them all.

Meade said...

Buba? Do you mean Bill Clinton?

That was nothing more than a little libidinous carelessness.

Ninja Pirate said...

It's pretty obvious if you read the complaint that he is a repeat customer.

Smilin' Jack said...

He has to resign after this display of incompetence. Every governor knows that if you want a prostitute you have to stay in the state you control and use the state police as your pimps. Much safer that way. Even Bubba Clinton knew that.

I'm Full of Soup said...

This is a new Althouse record...... two days in a row that libidiousness carelessness has come up on this blog.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Titus had a great comment:

He said something like "Hillary loses another super-delegate".

garage mahal said...

Anything juicy like diapers or scuba gear?

Agnostic Monk said...

Goodbye Good Riddance to the Sanctimonious bastard from New York.

titusinfirstposition said...

You have to admit the media loves a good sex story. I just went for a run and work out and I come back and it is wall to wall coverage.

I guess sex sells.

These are top line hookers too. 5500 an hour is a great hourly rate.

Agnostic Monk said...

"Mr. Spitzer gained national attention when he served as attorney general with his relentless pursuit of Wall Street wrongdoing."
In other words chased after companies to make himself look good at tax payer expense. Remember he busted prostitution rings too.
Elliot Spitzer is nothing but a sleaze bucket who ought to be hounded now.

titusinfirstposition said...

One of the most disturbing elements of this story is the thought of him having sex.

He seems/looks so asexual.

I am hoping that we can get the specifics on what the sex act was.

Is he into scat? Teabagging? Dressing up? Anal? Goden Showers? Felching? That act where you hang in some contraption and have are being choked? Animals-these will be the incredibly important questions going forward.

David Walser said...

But sure, run the man out of office and destroy him for visiting a prostitute once. What vicious times these are. - Ann Althouse

I'm curious. How many times should a man be allowed to visit a prostitute before we "destroy" him? I'm sure the answer differs whether we're discussing the public's obligation to forgive a politician (or and actor or businessman) or a wife's obligation to forgive her husband. I'm just trying to understand the ground rules. So far, I've assumed the answer was that I was allowed to visit a prostitute zero times before my wife, family, business associates, and clients were entitled to loose faith in me, my judgment, and my trustworthiness. Have I misunderstood or do I, like the proverbial dog, get one free bite?

KCFleming said...

How many times should a man be allowed to visit a prostitute before we "destroy" him?


Republican? Once.

Democrat? It depends on how key the office is to hold.
President? Seemingly limitless, even when the girl is found nude in bed, dead, and still another is involved in organized crime. (see JFK)
Governor? Make you apologies, enter a 12 step program, and start over.
Senator or House member? Depends on the committee. Appropriations? You stay.
Local State rperesentative? Well are you in California or Idaho? Chicago or the Bible belt? I mean come on.

Trumpit said...

There is a vast difference between paying someone to have sex, and CEOs stealing billions from investors on Wall Street. The former is none of Middle Class Guy's business; the latter is grand theft larceny. It's pitiful that a former cop can't distinguish between right and wrong; good and bad. You truly are a demonic monster with zero accomplishments in your entire lifetime to speak of, Middle Class Guy. Hillary has you beat by a mile.

Larry Sheldon said...

Using a prostitute I could forgive (actually I would not think much of except to wonder why).

Hypocrisy I can not forgive.

Peter V. Bella said...

I have a piece of advice for Mr. Spitzer; defenestration.

titusinfirstposition said...

I want to know the actual sexual act before I make judgment.

If it is your typical missionary position then I will be disappointed and say he can stay.

But if it is something tawdry, raunchy, disgusting, nasty, filthy, and degrading I will have to ask him to step down.

Let's focus people.

What was the specific act?

Brent said...

David Walser -
Kudos for hitting the nail on the head.

So who are these people that tell us us that when you stand up in public and make a vow to be faithful to the one you marry, that it doesn't matter when you break that? So, like, OK . . . your word isn't any good on a commitment to just one person like your spouse, but I should still trust your judgment in like, matters of national security?

This is another prime example of where the Scriptures are proved to be timelessly true again and again:

He who is faithful in little is also faithful in much.

Peter V. Bella said...

Trumpit said...
Nothing, as usual.

KCFleming said...

The former is none of Middle Class Guy's business; the latter is grand theft larceny.

It is rather debatable that anything was actually "stolen" in some of those prosecutions. They reminded me more of Soviet show trials for Kulaks accused of "hoarding" or for being class enemies because they have money.

It was like the Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby trials; mere political bullying in order to count coup.

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trumpit said...

I would rather be waterboarded at Guantanamo than get a lesson in biblical scriptures from B. Spare me in the future your twisted sense of morality. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. You vile hypocrite, B.

titusinfirstposition said...

Were there any props? Devices? Outfits? Role playing? Videos? Family Pets? Barnyard Animals? Food? Funny Hats? Anything placed around the genitalia?

These, again, will be incredibly important when determing Spitzer's fate.

John Kindley said...

Yeah, this guy put people in jail for the same damn thing he has been doing, more than once. I sincerely hope he doesn't get off any easier than the people he prosecuted. I absolutely love it when politicians are exposed for the malicious hypocritical prostitutes that they are. No sympathy from me. Only the deepest scorn.

Trooper York said...

Gov. Spitzer did his best to destroy the beverage business in New York State during his tenure as Attorney General. He stopped liquor and beer company promotions that helped many bars and restaurants make ends meet. He forced these "premiums" underground and altered the balance of power. Where the liquor business was spread out among Peerless Importers, Southern and Sterling Importers, now it is almost all in one company’s hands that has brought about a monopoly which resulted in ever increasing drink prices in New York State. He is Satan and may his soul roast in hell.

titusinfirstposition said...

Was anyone called daddy?

Or did anyone have to dress up like a nun?

Was anyone disciplined?

What music was playing?

Was anyone called bad names? "You filthy bitch"-something like that.

Did anyone have to get on all fours and pretend to be a bear?

Was their growling?

What did they do with their toes and feet?

What other orifices were used other than the only responsible, respectable and normal one-the vagina?

Was there any shaving going on?

titusinfirstposition said...

Was any marine life involved with this escapade?

Icepick said...

Titusinfirstposition wrote: $5,500 an hour is a great hourly rate.

Not if you had to have sex with someone that looks that ... creepy.

Peter V. Bella said...

Trumpit said...
I would rather be waterboarded at Guantanamo...

Unless you want a tropical vacation, why travel so far. I would volunteer to do it here in the good old US of A. I'd even do it for free. Of course if people wanted to watch there would be a fee. I'd even give you a small percentage.

titusinfirstposition said...

Did anyone have to recite the alphabet like a little child in school? And when they did they talk like a baby?

These are the questions I am waiting to be answered before I make any judgment.

Peter V. Bella said...

Maybe Bill Clinton and Jesse Jackson can give him some of that personal and spiritual councelling.

dick said...

As a friend said if Spitzer is forced to resign:

nys will be able to boast that we are the first state to ever have a black governor with a seeing eyedog

Trooper York said...

That's why Eric Gregg used to call us the Umpire State.

rhhardin said...

I don't automatically give the wife a pass.

Nobody's tried the ``My wife declared sex no longer a priority a couple ofyears ago so I'm doing what I can'' defense yet. It would be less tiring to hear about than the 100% predictable story that's about to unfold across the days.

Anonymous said...

I thought the (Ted) Kennedy School of Government taught aspiring politicians how to extricate themselves from these types of messes, and then go on to ever greater heights of power in government.

titusinfirstposition said...

I blame the wife.

She obviously didn't give him what he wanted and as a result had to go elsewhere.

Zaplito said...

Ann said, "But sure, run the man out of office and destroy him for visiting a prostitute once. What vicious times these are."

Ann--as a member of the bar the man is an officer of the court. He is held to a stricter standard than others. But why am I telling you that?

MTfromCC said...

Before mentioning Spitzer and Obama/Rezco in the same breath, as if one has anything to do with the other (or as if there is anything more to the Obama Rezco relationship than a bunch of innuendo, with no evidence of any wrongdoing), I should think this particular situation would bring other things to mind:

1. Bill & Monica - Wife running for President

2. Larry "Wide Stance" Craig - Still in the Senate

3. David Vitter - Still in the Senate

4. Karl Rove - And his 100+ man-love meetings at the White House with with male porn model and erstwhile journalist (softball pitcher?) Jeff Gannon

There are plenty of others, almost all from the right, but to mention Obama in the same breath as this is nothing more than a childish smear.

Peter V. Bella said...

It’s 3AM.
The kids are sleeping.
Seniors are up going to the bathroom.
Night shift people are coming up on the middle of their work day.
In Washington a phone is ringing.
There is a problem.
A crisis of major proportions.

A woman answers the phone.

Mr. Spitzer, it’s for you.

AmPowerBlog said...

Well, wouldn't you know it: A commenter over at Yglesias' is posting under the pseudonym "An Outhouse."

That vortex is expanding.

As for the governor, the timing couldn't be better: Precisely when the Democrats should be basking in the glow of a crucial off-season special election, this week's media cycle will be consumed by New York's big Democratic Party scandal.

Well, considering that many argued that the GOP lost the Congress in 2006 due to widespread ethical scandals, I certainly wouldn't mind - over the course of this year - if Spitzer's misfortunes weren't unique within his party.

American Power

John Kindley said...

"Ann--as a member of the bar the man is an officer of the court. He is held to a stricter standard than others. But why am I telling you that?"

Lawyers in general shouldn't be held to a stricter standard than anyone else. The attempt to do so is an instrument of tyranny. But a prosecutor -- or a cop -- getting busted for the same unjust laws they've busted others for? That's rich.

titusinfirstposition said...

Were there any wigs involved?

How about turtles?



Is there any videos that were apart of this?

What did he do to her tits?

Where did he plant his semen?

What about vegetables?

titusinfirstposition said...

Where was Bill Clinton when this was happening?

George M. Spencer said...

So, why exactly has this attracted more comments than the excellent Captain Beefheart song below?

Anthony said...

If this is really a "prostitution ring" as it's being played up as, then simply visiting a prostitute once ain't the half of it. He's getting involved in organized crime.

Cedarford said...

Not aware of anyone who’s been as self-righteous as The Hon Spitzer in my lifetime. Hard to feel sorry for him.

#1 rich-boy entitled, sanctimonious prick in New York. Closely followed by Schumer. And over in CT, another sanctimonious silver spoon prick in Richard Blumenthal.

NO doubt some enterprising bartender has already invented an obscenely expensive cocktail named the "Spitzer Spritzer". So all the megarich Wall Street, and Real Estate biz Jews and Gentiles of the class Eliot betrayed his own kind of to advance his thirst for power - can hoist up the 200 buck concoctions and drink in the spirit of true, gleeful Schadenfreude.

Bad day though for Spitzer's Ruling Elite pals in the "fighting for justice, NOT the Money" Tort&Trial Lawyer class, he helped enrich. Not only do they lose the money stream he guaranteed - they are all now wandering around confused, still ethically adrift, scratching their heads wondering on what he did that was "wrong"..

Bob said...

I understand many are hung up on the prostitution crime issue. But in the Intelligence world these stings are known as "Honey Pot" operations. The aim is to get something embarassing and exploit that. So let's presume Spitzer wasn't caught but instead a criminal enterprise gets the goods on the Gov. Now he's in the position to push or table state contracts and investigations. That's the real threat, that Spitzer would have been comprimised. The prostitution charge is just what the feds can get him on now. He got caught because he was stupid.

That he destroys his marriage is a personal tragedy. But having the Governor of 3rd largest state in your pocket would be an organized crime windfall. Our state budget is $100+ billion/year.

Still, his arrogance and self-righteousness all these years makes this something wickedly delicious to watch unfold.

Kevin said...

Spitzer was a thug and a bully and it is excellent to see him become a victim of his own arrogrance.

Zaplito said...

John K said, "Lawyers in general shouldn't be held to a stricter standard than anyone else."

Sorry, that ain't the way it works and old Eliot knew that when he became a member of the Bar.

Not seeing references in the news to his party affiliation which is Democrat. You know if he was a Republican it would always be written as "Republican Governor Eliot Spitzer."

Trooper York said...


Peter V. Bella said...

He left out newts, efts, and salamanders.

MadisonMan said...

eft is a great scrabble word.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
titusinfirstposition said...

Yes, turtles-I won't go any further with that one.

As well, snails-that will need to be investigated.

Also, trail mix-keep your eyes and ears open regarding anything to do with trail mix.

Let's wait until the whore comes out with the story.

And she will, she's a whore, there is a story, a book and money.

I think we need to get all the "juice" from her before putting this man to death. But once she tells the story I am ready to stone him.

Who's with me? My stone will be fabulous with a luster like no one elses stone.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Speaking as one who is in the profession that Mr. Spitzer was doing his best to destroy through baseless vindictive investigations.....hahahhaha!!

Speaking as a woman, WTF is it with these wives who "stand by their man" after he has just embarassed them in the worst way and then lets him continue to use her like a doormat or some sort of political accessory? I would slap him across the face and finish up with a knee to his nuts, take a quick bow and curtsy before the camera and walk off the stage. Asshole.

titusinfirstposition said...

I would also like to know if there was any "salad tossing" going on during this sexual romp that he had.

I am still trying to come to terms with him actually having sex with someone, anyone.

Sex is so sacred and private.

It is something that should be consummated with a marriage behind closed doors with the lights turned out and clothes on.

The thought of anyone, especially a political leader, to do something like this, blows my mind. Maybe I am just not knowing of the ways of the world but I thought this kind of thing only happened in the movies.

Peter V. Bella said...

I think we need to get all the "juice" from her before putting this man to death. But once she tells the story I am ready to stone him.

Who's with me? My stone will be fabulous with a luster like no one elses stone.

I will join you if I can cast the first stone. Unless, of course, Silda wants to. being the suffering wife, I would let her cast the first stone. But, could we waterboard him first?

We can make it a public spectacle. Precede it with something truely tasteful, maybe a dwarf tossing contest, then the waterboarding, then the stoning.

Titus, you are a genius.

hdhouse said...

first, wall street got what it had coming to it and should have been treated far harsher. my gripe with spitzer in that area is that he didn't go far enough and let too many people off with fines when jail would have been more in order.

in this case, spitzer acted like an ass. not only to his family but the sheer stupidity of being a high visiblity figure thinking for an instant that at some point this wouldn't come out. if you play with fire don't be surprised when you get burned.

the "ring" got what it got and they knew the risk of that form of business. tough shit.

the victim here, to my mind, is the call girl. yes she made her choice and yes she doesn't get much sympathy on a number of levels but just watch the tabloid'll see her on TV soon enough with a life story that others again will get rich off on her dime. there will be no end to the potential exploitation she will face as if there wasn't enough already.

i heard a comment in my office today about how much her "hourly rate" was (for all the $75/hr working stiffs - thats about 150,000 a year)and if bedding down with the likes of Eliot (not Ness)is wierd enough, just think about how underpaid she actually is or was to romp with that butthead.

titusinfirstposition said...

Fellow republicans lets not get to giddy about this.

Let's keep everything in perspective.

Yes, it is an exciting day. A democrat got caught with a whore. Definitely celebrate but let's be cautious. Enjoy the day.

But remember another republican Larry Craig could be around the corner. It's just important to keep track about the numbers of republicans/democrats who do this. If the democrats lead in sexual romps were ok, if not we could be in trouble in 08.

From Inwood said...


You quote me re Sanctimonious Spitzer.

There you go again. It's not a problem with or for Joos.

It's a problem with or for hypocrites, class envy people, smug defenders of political scoundrels on only one side of the spectrum, & defenders of “McCarthyite” tactics when practiced by the Left.


You ask why the wife “Stand(s) by her man”. Um, maybe because she wants him to have some $$$ left for the divorce settlement. He’s gone politically; she knows he’s gone; she wants to have some $$$ left, however, to keep her in the style to which she’s become accustomed. He has to get a promise of no prosecution before he leaves office & so she’s there with him. Only the truly poor can afford to stand on principle, my dear.

Trooper York

No answer on my movie reference?

I'm Full of Soup said...


The ho will be exploited more than she did already to herself?

And to use the term "working stiffs" in this post, were you trying to be funny?

rhhardin said...

In France public figures just have mistresses to take care of those needs, while the wife is free to do wife stuff like shopping.

It's no cheaper, though, I bet.

rhhardin said...

John Kobylt of John and Ken wonders what you can get for $5000 that you can't get at home.

Meade said...

Isn't it possible that he has an undiagnosed neurological disease? -- a brain tumor or a biochemical imbalance which leads him to engage in bizarre behavior, behavior he is not entirely responsible for?

Sexaholism is a disease. Perhaps he could get fast tracked into treatment, take a vacation somewhere quiet and warm, and then be good as new and ready to govern the great state of New York with all its gracious and forgiving citizens again - all in time for a new baseball season.

titusinfirstposition said...

"John Kobylt of John and Ken wonders what you can get for $5000 that you can't get at home."

Someone new and someone different.

Remember the old saying "men are only as faithful as their options."

And if they don't have any that jump in their lap they pay for it.

New and different always wins for a temporary fix.

Old and same is great to hang out with at home and go to events but when you want a really exciting romp always go for new and different.

Trooper York said...

Criswell: My friend, you have seen this incident, based on sworn testimony. Can you prove that it didn't happen?
(Plan 9 From Outer Space)

Peter V. Bella said...

hdhouse said...
in this case, spitzer acted like an ass. not only to his family but the sheer stupidity of being a high visiblity figure thinking for an instant that at some point this wouldn't come out. if you play with fire don't be surprised when you get burned.

He acted like a hypocritical, sanctimonius, holier than thou ass. He created the image of being Mr. Ultra Clean, the protector of ethcis and morals. The scourge of Wall Street excesses and all that. In the end, he was hung on his own petard.

He should have known it would come out? House, you seem to forget the old adage, when the little head gets hard, the big head gets soft.

Trooper York said...

You see Spitzer loved to call his penis "The Little Bit of Luck" which is where they got the new
Lotto campaign.

Now someone will have to change their name. What a hoot.

rhhardin said...

Spitzer on Colbert on February 12, pretty close to the night in question.

Peter V. Bella said...

It’s 3AM. The children are asleep. There is a phone ringing. There is a major crisis.

“This is Bill Clinton.”

“Bill, this is Eliot, you know, Sptizer, I need some advice.”

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You ask why the wife “Stand(s) by her man”. Um, maybe because she wants him to have some $$$ left for the divorce settlement. He’s gone politically; she knows he’s gone; she wants to have some $$$ left, however, to keep her in the style to which she’s become accustomed. He has to get a promise of no prosecution before he leaves office & so she’s there with him. Only the truly poor can afford to stand on principle, my dear.

She can get 50% plus of his assets including any retirement accounts (at least in my State...I don't know about New York) without being a doormat. She should be filing and freezing assets as we speak.

Ok...maybe over the top with the knee in the groin on television, but there is no reason on God's green earth that she should stand physically beside him and make a bigger fool of herself. I sincerely doubt that anyone would blame her for having a massive migraine headache at that moment, excusing her from being a public figure of pity.

People who don't have any principles to stand or who betray those little principles that they do have, also don't deserve any sympathy in my book.

Brent said...

Wow, Trumpit

Cool Down Man. C'mon brother, I'm not casting any stones. People can decide whether or not what he did is right or wrong. I am not his eternal judge. Nor do I care if the law indicts him or not.

But - what I am is a "fruit" inspector. And if Eliot Spitzer represents himself as something and then I find out that he isn't, then I have every right to make future judgments regarding my involvement with him, eg. voting for or against, hiring or firing, encouraging others to see my point the same.

There's no righteous indignation here at a moral failing. But what there is from you is an example of the oversensitive moral judger - that's you, Trumpit - who extrapolates things about a position that were never said or implied or practiced.

Lighten up, Dude.


EnigmatiCore said...

Dumbest post by far that I have seen on the subject, from Jane Hamsher.

What a hack. Nothing but a God damned propagandist.

EnigmatiCore said...

"But sure, run the man out of office and destroy him for visiting a prostitute once."

Assumes things that the evidence strongly suggests against.

If they got involved because of structuring, then there were several/many transactions of just under the $10,000 reporting limit.

Which means many encounters at $5K each.

Brent said...

Best blog headline so far:

Cleaning Up New York One Hooker At A Time

Brent said...


You are SOOOOOOOO right.

"for visiting a prostitute once"

Who are these imbeciles that believe this was Spitzer's only time?

Revenant said...

There's nothing more delicious in politics than the sight of a politician getting arrested for breaking laws he himself championed.

Brent said...


What Revenant said.

Brent said...

1. How many people get caught in a vice sting on their 1st offense?

2. How many prostitution rings are not connected to organized crime?

I'm Full of Soup said...


You are right - Hamsher's #1 issue was possibly the dumbest bit of uninformed writing I have seen in some time. As if banks and IRS regs allow the banks to make individual decisions on these things. Bank's high volume of transactions require immediate no-excuse reporting of cash transactios that exceed $10K in the aggregate.

Brent said...


Probe Into Call Girl Ring Began with IRS

EnigmatiCore said...

"How many people get caught in a vice sting on their 1st offense?"

The sting was set up to investigate his unusual financial transactions.

He wasn't caught while the feds were investigating something else. They were investigating him and discovered the vice ring.

Joe said... the man out of office and destroy him for visiting a prostitute once.

If you believe that, I have a bridge across the Hudson to sell you. A sitting governor doesn't just start visiting prostitutes.

Spitzer is corrupt all the way through and has been for years. We are now seeing only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Roger J. said...

I dont believe prostitution should even be criminalized. And I don't have a problem with Gov Spitzer visiting a prostitute--thats between him and his wife.

Where Spitz loses it for me is his self righteous moral posturing when breaking other prostititution rings. Its the hypocricy, Dude--Just like Vitters and Craig--I dont give a damn about anyones sexual preferences--but dont be a hypocrite! (OK--kids and animals not so much--consenting adults only please.)

I bet a whole lot of Eliot's former perps and going to welcome him to his prison experience with open arms.....among other things.

From Inwood said...


I enjoy your comments & hate to seem argumentative with you, but when you note that wifey

"can get 50% plus of his assets including any retirement accounts (at least in my State...I don't know about New York) without being a doormat.".

I must answer,

"depends on the meaning of 'asset' ".

She's not living on 10th Ave in Inwood, she's living on 5th Ave & in the Hamptons & The Bahamas, etc. If he doesn't get a get a get-out-of jail-free card, a lot of his 5th Ave/Hamptons/Bahamas assets might well be eaten up in attorney's fees. (No, I don't think that he'd ever have to go to jail, tho I hear that the sex is free there!)

So that’s why I think she's doin’ the "Stand By Your Man" act for now. And I'm not sure that she's completely surprised at what he did, tho she, like he, may’ve felt that he was bullet proof. That's why these people are called "Limousine Liberals". They don't think that the outside world (real world?) can touch them.

Client 9 from outer space with wife along for the ride.

Or, to your point, since she’s not unique, maybe there is something here for a Psych 101 class. Some otherwise worthy women are attracted to men who disdain & dishonor them & even when these women get fed up or something like this occurs, they don't have the psych “necessaries” to get out, even tho they could survive financially.

My cheap psych 101: why do women marry guys like Spitzer? Because they’re attracted to power. But men like Spitzer tend not to marry women like Hillary & women like Hillary don’t marry men like Spitzer, who’s all arrogance & no charm & who apparently thinks that no one is as smart, cunning, whatever as he. Hill went along for the ride with Bill C. ‘cause she felt that she could make him Pres & then be Pres herself. She’s half-way there. Love to be a fly on the Clinton’s wall if she doesn’t make it to the White House.

Peter V. Bella said...

Trumpit is one of those sick, sick individuals who believe that there is no wrong in the world that a Democrat can do. he is a victim of his own tunnel vision. He cannot help himself. he is no better than those on the other side who can see no wrong.

To sanctimonious people like Trumpit other sanctimonious people are saints not sinners and hypocrites.

Peter V. Bella said...

Just in. This is hot. In a late night interview Silda stated that she bought the hooker for Spitzer as a Valentine's Day gift. Details at the Sludge Report.

OK, I just made that up for kicks.

Swifty Quick said...

My cheap psych 101: why do women marry guys like Spitzer? Because they’re attracted to power.

Maybe. But don't neglect the fact that Spitzer enjoys enormous family wealth. His father was worth almost a billion.

dick said...

I would almost bet that Spitzer's wife is about as rich on her own as he is. If she dumped him she would not be losing much if anything and she would probably get rid of a lot of future headaches.

From Inwood said...

Another interesting law/psych thought.

Some, perhaps afraid to be charged with inconsistency after defending Bill C, or because they think that this is the product of the VWRC, make the argument that prostitution should be legal ‘cause everyone does it. And it’s his first offense, even tho it shouldn’t be an offense.
Schadenfreude alert. The Wall Streeters caught by Spitzer when he was the NY AG were engaging in what they said was OK & should not be illegal “ ‘cause everyone does it” & no one was ever prosecuted for this before. (Well, hardly ever.) Not so, said St. Eliot; you can’t f**k the investing public & L’état (citoyen?) cest moi. And the public ate it up. So too with gentlemen’s clubs & Mayflower Madams. Few of the ladies & fewer of the men are arrested, well hardly ever. So Spitzer, like the Wall Streeters, perhaps thinking that no prosecutor could be as smart as he, assumed that no one would get him for doin’ what comes naturally. Maybe he shoudda had the NYS Police do it for him like Bill in Arkansas. Maybe relying on the NYS Police wouldn’t be as, um, balsy as doing it himself.

Chutzpa or hubris (hamartia) alert here also.

BTW, I heard that he only paid for a basic fare for the poor girl on the train. Such a deal! Woudda thought he’d go first class (Acela Express).

Zeb Quinn

Re his family (Real Estate) wealth. When she married him, he was not Gov of NY. But one could see that he was not gonna be a coupon clipper or something out of Arthur Miller & was gonna strive for power.


I sent all your comments to my friends, with attribution, of course! Keep it up.


"How many prostitution rings are not connected to organized crime?"

Good point. Why should he leave himself open to these guys?

Shoudda known you'd get my Ed Wood movie reference

KCFleming said...

It's good to see that the high NY taxes are serving their purpose:
screwing you so they can get screwed.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Or, to your point, since she’s not unique, maybe there is something here for a Psych 101 class. Some otherwise worthy women are attracted to men who disdain & dishonor them & even when these women get fed up or something like this occurs, they don't have the psych “necessaries” to get out, even tho they could survive financially

Thank you Inwood. That is my point and I don't think it has to do with money/wealth/security as much as why do some women let themselves continue to let themselves be "used" when the man has "done them wrong"? I don't think it is just women either, I see some men who also put up with the same crap. It must be some sort of psychological masochism inferiority complex.

Now then, in the case of Hillary and Bill, some of the above but possibly more like, just a straight out lust for power and ruthless using of each other. A marriage made in Hell.

I just don't get it. Fool me once.....that's it. No other chances.

As to Spizter, as long as we are psycho-analysing, can we wonder if he didn't somehow subconsciously do this to himself. Want to be caught? Surely someone as familiar with investigations, money reporting rules, etc would know how NOT to get caught. It was an incredibly stupid and foolish move. And to your point. Possibly he felt invulnerable as one of the protected class (Limousine Liberal)

From Inwood said...


Look at it this way. Eliot S. would quite probably have been on Obama's short list for VP.

So you won't be having a Jewish VP (or Pres for that matter) for awhile.

From Inwood said...

Infamous magazine articles dept:

A friend of mine just wrote that New York Mag has an article on how Eliot is gonna finally get Joe Bruno (GOP State Senate Leader).

He didn't send the link & I'm going to bed.

Brent said...

Top Ten "Eliot Spitzer Excuses"

10. “Oh come on, like you were never involved in a prostitution ring.”
9. “Hookers is fun.”
8. “Just trying to help the economy.”
7. “Have you ever been to Albany?”
6.“It’s part of my new MTV prank show, ‘Spitz’d.’”
5.“Haven’t been myself since Roy Scheider died.”
4. “Uh, tainted beef?”
3.“Whether it’s a hooker or your wife, you’re always paying for it--you married fellas know what I’m talking about.”
2.“Wanted to be known as the Charlie Sheen of politics.”
1.“I thought Bill Clinton legalized this years ago.”

Beldar said...

I'm frankly surprised to see so little discussion of the law on a prominent law professor's blog.

He hasn't been charged -- yet.

He's probably the subject of a target letter from the SDNY feds -- not for prostitution (which is a state-law crime), nor for Mann Act or wire fraud violations (which are typical federal crimes associated with vice, but usually only against ringleaders, not johns), but instead for trying to "structure" his withdrawals of cash to pay the call-girl ring into less than $10k increments, in a deliberate attempt to evade statutes and Treasury Department regulations designed to combat money laundering, organized crime, and (especially since 9/11) terrorism.

It was such financial reports from his bank(s) that brought him to the IRS' and then the FBI's attention. They were concerned that a politician dealing in large sums of cash might be involved in bribery or other official corruption. There's no suggestion that they found anything like that -- just lots of cash spent, surreptitiously, on high-dollar hookers.

His guilt or innocence under 31 U.S.C. §§ 5324 doesn't depend on what he did with the money, what happened in the hotel room, how many times it happened on other occasions, or anything like that. This is a financial crime arising from his attempts to stay off the feds' radar screens.

Reports are that the Chief Justice of the NY Court of Appeal (top court in the state) has been asked to be available for a swearing in ceremony tomorrow morning. My guess is he's copping a plea that will require his resignation and a fine, but that will include little or no jail time.

My extended take with many more links is here. Other good discussions at Patterico's and TalkLeft.

rhhardin said...

If you believe that, I have a bridge across the Hudson to sell you.

East River.

We are now seeing only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

rhhardin said...

Imus's Bernard McGuirk :

She has to do windows and toilets for that price

rhhardin said...

Mary Matalin on Imus says it's not about sex. It's about power.

I think she lost the cliff notes.

Anonymous said...

You'd think a guy as smart as Eliot Spitzer would have heard about Craigslist....

There's usually no money involved, and in some instances, Mrs. Spitzer would have been welcomed as well.

BZ said...

"And good God, all he's accused of is going to a prostitute, not participating in running a prostitution ring, ... But sure, run the man out of office and destroy him for visiting a prostitute once."

I'm surprised you think this is not a big deal. I think of prostitution as exploitation. I wasn't familiar with Mr. Spitzer's CV, but somehow this incident seems all of a piece. Destroy? No, DISGRACE? Definitely! Maybe he can rent his body out in jail and be on the other side of exploitation.

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