November 9, 2007

"I will discover to my shock and chagrin ... Glenn Greenwald has already written about it, and I’m totally hosed."

TRex frets:
[S]ome days I think I’ve got the post to end all posts lined up in my head and I will discover to my shock and chagrin that Digby or Glenn Greenwald has already written about it, and I’m totally hosed. Approaching a topic after one of those two has already handled it is kind of like approaching the all-you-can-eat food bar at Ryan’s Steakhouse after Rush Limbaugh has come through. There’s, like, nothing left.
Well, a lot of times Glenn Greenwald just chews up food and spits it out all over the floor and the walls and the furniture month after month until it piles up and congeals and grows into mold, turning the room into a repulsive, health-threatening mess. Then, there's a lot left.

What is it with these lefty bloggers and their food metaphors? It's enough to make you think they're all... doughy.


"Wheeee! I'm blogging!"


"Wheeee! I'm blogging!"

AND: David Lat says: "Ann Althouse: We love it when she gets medieval -- or should we say me-diva? -- on a hapless blogger's a**." Hey, that's good for the banner!

UPDATE: TRex writes, then deletes, something about me.


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Bob said...

And you know we need a final solution to the Doughy People problem.

Doughy Bob

Bob said...
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Bob said...

Yah, "Doughboy" was a favorite epithet in my US Navy boot camp company, sneeringly proferred to the beefy guys by Boatswain's Mate Second Class Tallent. Ironically enough, he was a bit pudgy himself, especially in the face.

George M. Spencer said...

Pillsbury Doughboy is gay.

Jolly Green Giant, yup. Little Sprout, yup.

Aunt Jemimah? Oh, yeah.

Unknown said...

there are doughy right wing bloggers too

Bob said...

You come to her blog and personally insult her? Shame on you.

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry, my BMI is in the normal range. And I'm old.

Ron said...

Is Greenwald giving a sandpaper handjob to the Pillsbury Doughboy? That would explain the detritus all over his prose...

rcocean said...

GW always seems to express a minimum amount of thought in the maximum amount of words.

I couldn't get past the food spitting metaphor. But I gather GW is against the Iraq war. Oh, and he doesn't like Bush.

BTW, the Doughboy is not Gay. He's completely innocent and exists only to eat, sell product, and get poked in the stomach.

Meade said...

"Sorry, my BMI is in the normal range. And I'm old."

An old normal work of art, one might add. Extraordinary, in fact. Voluptuous, some would say.

rhhardin said...

He must be a lefty, meaning he doesn't listen to Limbaugh. Limbaugh has been Mr. Self-Control on weight for a while.

So the figure makes no sense, which is a blogging error, not a political error.

KCFleming said...

Wyatt doesn't understand the difference between doughy and luxuriously shapely.

That difficulty usually arises due to excessive wanking.

Anonymous said...

Having met Althouse in person, I can attest to the fact that she is not the least bit "doughy."

MadisonMan said...

It's hard work being original. Perhaps TRex should work harder.

Ann Althouse said...

It seems to me that if all you've got to say is what Greenwald would say, then you should find other work.

P_J said...


I think that would apply to Greenwald as well.

X said...

when a liberal blogger finds he has nothing to say because the last true conservative blogger has already said it, then someone isn't who they claim to be.

jeff said...

"Approaching a topic after one of those two has already handled it is kind of like approaching the all-you-can-eat food bar at Ryan’s Steakhouse after Rush Limbaugh has come through. There’s, like, nothing left."

Funny. Although why he wanted to go with a metaphor that hasn't been apt for a number of years is beyond me. And considering the blinders those three wear, its more like approaching the all-you-can-eat food bar and finding all the I-hate-Bush chicken, and the I-hate-Republicans baked beans and the I-hate-conservatives Jello is all gone, but the other 50 dishes are untouched.

SGT Ted said...

Funny. Although why he wanted to go with a metaphor that hasn't been apt for a number of years is beyond me.

Because he's as lame as Gleen(s)?

Just asking...

Trooper York said...

Major 'Wild Bill' Donovan: Father Duffy, that Plunkett is the worst excuse for a doughboy that I have ever seen in this man’s army. Send he forward or send him to the brig.
Father Francis J. Duffy: To be sure, Major, to be sure, but there is hope for him yet. He had a sheltered life, sending out long and indecipherable letters from his attic back home. He’s not used to dealing with the reality that is war. He just thinks he should never use one word when he could use twenty five.
Sergeant Joyce Kilmer: He sure is a fat mug, how can he be such a fatso on the rations we get at the front.
Jerry Plunkett; Shut your yap, and go hug a tree you pansy.
Father Francis J. Duffy: Now that’s no way to talk to a sergeant if you want to stay out of the jug. Sergeant Kilmer is a poet with a delicate sensibility. When this is all over, I am sure he will be the poet laureate of New York.
Sergeant Joyce Kilmer: Thank you father, I hope I can live up to your faith in me. What are you going to do when the war is over? Will you go back to your parish?
Father Francis J. Duffy Maybe, but I might take some time for myself and pursue my hobby. I am president of the Rudee Vallee fan club and will follow him around until he agrees to confess to me. Here look at this postcard I sent him.
Jerry Plunkett: Thanks anyway father, but I think I will go back to trenches, Maybe if I am lucky someone will shoot me.
(The Fighting 69th, 1940)

ricpic said...

What about the stubborn pot belly problem? Ya know, where you lose the weight and there's still that little up front pot that won't disappear. Thin and doughy. Wrong genes I guess.

Swifty Quick said...

ricpic: that's where exercise comes in.

Unknown said...

my point was this: why this second post in just a few days on "doughy" left-wing bloggers? why am i even reading about the body-type of these people rather than about the content of their ideas? when do we deal with ideas instead of style?

George M. Spencer said...

He's doughty, too.

TitusWK said...

I don't read any of those left bloggers you are referring to but there are plenty of righty bloggers.

Hello, Jonah's name is Doughy Pant Load which is pretty hilarious.

The only doughy one to Althouse are the leftys who insult her.

Anonymous said... topic, but I thought you, Trooper and a few others here should read this:

The national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that about 438,000 Americans die each year because of tobacco use.

The agency estimated that for every death, there are 20 people living with a tobacco-related illness.

"Smoking is still the No. 1 preventable cause of death," McKenna said. "No other behavior kills so many people as tobacco, even with these low levels."

Sooooooo, light up and enjoy what time you have left...and be sure to have the kids around to ingest whatever your lungs can't handle.

TitusWK said...

OMG I just saw that picture of you Althouse in the Link. That is a crime and a shame. You need to sue and have it taken down.

Also, I saw Greenwald on CSpan once and he is definitely not doughy. He actually looks kind of buff and like he is packing a nice hog.

Sorry, Rush is still doughy. No matter how much weight he loses that excess skin is still going to be hanging there.

And JPod, whew, that is one ugly neocon.

Anonymous said...

rhhardin said..."Limbaugh has been Mr. Self-Control on weight for a while."

No, actually Rush has put damn near all of the pounds he lost...right back onto his fat ass...and weighs in at the same weight as he was before his highly touted weight program.

You can bet he's still on the illegal meds, too.

Unknown said...

Yeah, that guy should have used a Tijuana pharmacist or a third-world brothel for his analogy, not a steakhouse.

TitusWK said...

Rush is the definition of Doughy...and really ugly.

I bet he has a tiny penis too with like 10 long pubic hairs to his bush.

Could you imagine the site of Rush jerking it? That is so gross. I am thinking he jumbles to and fro just like he did in the MJ Fox video and when he finally explodes it is like one drop

Chip Ahoy said...

How to Gratuitously Pick a Fight in One Easy Step

I resolve to not follow this.

TitusWK said...

How about the thought of JPod or Doughy Pant Load mounting you.

The poor victim/woman who has to experience that humiliation is too much for me to even comprehend.

Simon said...

My question is why in the name of all that's good and right were you reading Trex's blog? The experience seems to compare unfavorably with Hitches' description of a particular vanity treatment that you linked to earlier today.

Anonymous said...

The Doughboy has appeared in thousands of television commercials, and can be found in every grocer's freezer. His croissants have been served in the Senate dining room. What have you ever done?

Good DOUGH, sir!

Rick Pillersbury

rcocean said...
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Der Hahn said...

Some observers believe that TRex was a scavenger, not a predator. So why's he complaining about leftovers?

TitusWK said...

I have to admit something fellow republicans.

I would do Rick Santorum.

Trooper York said...

I'd like to talk to you Lucky, but its Friday afternoon and I am enjoying a glass of vino and an Arturo Fuente Opus Opus X with a side dish of olives and garlic flat bread in my back yard. Why don't you sit back and enjoy whacking your bag to your autographed photo of Hugo Chavez and enjoy the afternoon.

TitusWK said...

don't listen to the moonbats insulting you.

You have a pretty face and nice tits. I would do you if I was straight.

TitusWK said...

by the way trooper I want to come over for dinner.

You made me hungry for that menu you serve up to the wife. I am actually talking about the food. It sounds fab.

Brian Doyle said...

What is it with these lefty bloggers and their food metaphors?

Yes that's quite the trend you've isolated there.

And of course, Greenwald is many times the blogger you are, hack.

Simon said...

Trooper, what's the wine? I found a nice (and relatively inexpensive) German riesling the other day. It's not quite a Black Tower replacement, but one has to make do with what one can get in America.

Simon said...

Doyle said...
"And of course, Greenwald is many times the blogger you are...."

Measured by the words-per-point, that's probably true. And he makes up for being less than a quarter of her wit by being at least three times her weight. So in many ways, you're correct, but none of the flattering.

jeff said...

"And of course, Greenwald is many times the blogger you are, hack."

How many? Is that where the doughy reference comes from?

Hack-In journalism, the term is used to describe a writer who is deemed to operate as a "mercenary" or "pen for hire", expressing their client's political opinions in pamphlets or newspaper articles.

Well. We certainly know Greenwald doesn't do THAT.

TRex said...

You know lady, for a creature who looks entirely sculpted from Kraft Marshmallow Fluff, you talk an awful lot about other people being "doughy".

Trooper York said...

Simon it is just my table wine,
Antinori Santa Cristina Toscana,
a sublte and dry sangiovese with
what has been described as a:
"intense bouquet of mature fruits"
Speaking of which, Titus you are always welcome. My wife has one of her designer friends from New Orleans staying over the house. He plays on your team. Hey who knows?

Simon said...

TRex said...
"You know lady, for a creature who looks entirely sculpted from Kraft Marshmallow Fluff, you talk an awful lot about other people being 'doughy.'"

Well, that was a predictably lame (and demonstrably inaccurate, to boot). For a guy who to my recollection looks like the chap in Depeche Mode who doesn't actually do anything, you seem appropriately useless, too.

knox said...

It's hard work being original.

The presence of a "Rush Limbaugh Is Fat" joke is all the proof you need. That's some pretty stale material.

knox said...

Yes that's quite the trend you've isolated there.

It's official! Doyle has no sense of humor

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Trex to miss the point, subtlety not being one of his stronger points. If bimb throwers have strong points.

Simon: I doubt Greenwald weighs three times more than Ann. Not judging by this he doesn't. Sullivan, on the other hand might be.

(For the record, I don't consider Kevin Drum "doughy" either.)

Simon said...

Trooper York said...
"Titus you are always welcome. My wife has one of her designer friends from New Orleans staying over the house. He plays on your team."

The Hackensack Comets?

Palladian said...

"You know lady, for a creature who looks entirely sculpted from Kraft Marshmallow Fluff, you talk an awful lot about other people being "doughy"."

I wouldn't start a fight about physical appearance if I were you, honey. You look like you're going out for the lead in a community theater stage adaption of " Falling Down".

PeterP said...

I think I’ve got the post to end all posts lined up in my head and I will discover to my shock and chagrin...

Precisely how I feel about the entire works of Richard Brautigan.

Perhaps I am he, but then he's dead. Am I?

I can feel a posthumous Brautigan novel coming on: 'Conversations with a Confederate Camel'. It's big on poets as plumbing and stuff.

Simon said...

Palladian said...
"I wouldn't start a fight about physical appearance if I were you, [Trex]. You look like you're going out for the lead in a community theater stage adaption of 'Falling Down.'"

In keeping with Ann's theme, less "Falling Down" than scarfing down, seems to me.

AllenS said...

There once was a blogger named TRex,
Who had a sizeable complex,
She said Ann was all but thin,
And Ann replied with a grin,
I think you've fallen into the vortex.

Anonymous said...

We need a generic name for a poed that has the rhyme scheme of a limerick but the meter of God-knows-what. There's been a lot of them lately.

Ann Althouse said...

Hey, TRex came over! Well, T, you called Rush Limbaugh fat, so you can complain about the doughy talk over here. Anyway, I like marshmallow fluff. I'm going to do an update just for you.

And Palladian's right about "Falling Down." That is so true.

Brian Doyle said...

And he makes up for being less than a quarter of her wit by being at least three times her weight.

Au contraire!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure posting that video of Glenn in drag posing as Althouse helps your case, Doyle.

Simon said...
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KCFleming said...

I'll not weigh in on this heavy issue, much as the more ponderous Trex and Glenn have left their oversized marks behind, causing the comments to bulge at the seams.

Anonymous said...
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Ann Althouse said...

I mean, can't complain...

MadisonMan said...

Doughy can be deadly.

Simon said...

MadisonMan - I can say that for some of the people we've been talking about here, I deeply and sincerely hope so.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how some people get their knickers in a twist because of a joke about something like "doughy," but they have no compunction about writing here, there, and seemingly everywhere about someone here being a drunk without any proof and with definite malice.

Simon said...

Yes, but Randy, don't you see? Trex, Greenwald, the corpulent fuck in that video? They're all goodthinkers. Malice towards those guilty of thoughtcrime - particularly Goldsteinhouse - is integral to their worldview.

Clang!Honk!Tweet! said...

Jesus! TRex looks like Dilbert!
Only nothing funny happens.

perfecthair said...


Clang!Honk!Tweet! said...

If Althouse would tell us what her fave house red and white is, we could send a case of each to Greenwald.

It couldn't hurt.

perfecthair said...

so now that the bar has been lowered this far Althouse and her crumby political heros can rejoice in the fact that there really is a decreased level of violence in Iraq and call it a victory. true to her nature, Althouse has offered up a not very well-written critique of this relationship as evidence that the people who questioned the Iraq war strategy have lost.

i would love to hear Althouse or any other war monger explain what has really been, or will ever be, achieved through the Iraq invasion.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

"Yes, but Randy, don't you see? Trex, Greenwald, the corpulent fuck in that video? They're all goodthinkers. Malice towards those guilty of thoughtcrime - particularly Goldsteinhouse - is integral to their worldview."

Eh, most partisans don't even have a coherent ideology anymore. It's just devolved into team sports. One side hates the other for, well, um... well because that's, uh, what we're supposed to do!

That's why I hate politics and love ideas. If people weren't so fucking frantic to score one for their "team" we might get somewhere. We're supposed to be "Team America" not Team Doughball Righty and Team Gasbag Lefty.

Simon said...

Clang!Honk!Tweet! said...
"If Althouse would tell us what her fave house red and white is, we could send a case of each to Greenwald."

Is it a bad sign that I'm pretty sure that I know what the answer to the first is?

Palladian said...

"so now that the bar has been lowered this far Althouse and her crumby political heros can rejoice in the fact that there really is a decreased level of violence in Iraq and call it a victory."

See, douche-bag, it's not a victory for "Althouse's Team"; good news in Iraq is good news for America, Iraq, and the world. You should be rejoicing too. But you won't, because you're a douche-bag.

Palladian said...

"Is it a bad sign that I'm pretty sure that I know what the answer to the first is?"


I mean, even I would have to consult my copious Althouse archive to find the answer to that one.

Simon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Simon said...

Palladian - without looking, I'm pretty sure that in one of the vlogs it was noted as being the J Lohr cabernet sauvignon.

Trooper York said...

I thought Lucky was her favorite red.

Clang!Honk!Tweet! said...

Not at all, Simon. I await the news breathlessly.

It's Friday, the day I stop by Brookline Liquor Mart on my way home to look for something I haven't tried before.

Two restrictions:
1. $20 budget.
2. Only domestic. I have plenty of French wine. And the "domestic" part does not include New Jersey.

Simon said...

Trooper - House red. I don't think Lucy's even house trained.

Simon said...

Clang!Honk!Tweet! - my recollection is that I picked up a bottle at a CVS for about $15.

Trooper York said...

I will give you 2 to 1 odds on that.

Clang!Honk!Tweet! said...

J Lohr cab? We drink that occasionally. Not bad.

Now what about the white?

Trooper York said...

Clank don't limit yourself to domestic. Try Tutto Bene a tasty little sangiovese from Tuscany and I bet you can get 3 bottles for under $20 and you won't be sorry.

KCFleming said...

rejoice in the fact that there really is a decreased level of violence in Iraq and call it a victory.

So we know Glenn and Trex simply cannot toast victory in Iraq, even when it brings us that much closer to the soldiers coming home. Because then they might have to agree that the ending is good, even if no meaning is justified.

Clang!Honk!Tweet! said...

Simon, here in Massachusetts CVS sells laxative and rubbing alcohol.

You have to go to a liquor store to buy wine—not even supermarket sales as in California and other states. A referendum to allow supermarket sales of wine was defeated here last election.

But at least we're not dry.

Clang!Honk!Tweet! said...

Trooper, are you sure that stuff doesn't violate my no New Jersey rule? I mean, the mob has to get rid of old antifreeze from their trucking operations somewhere.

Trooper York said...

Not a chance my friend. This is really good stuff. Perfect to feed your guests when you have a lot of drinkers over and you plan to go through a case, or two in a sitting. Smooth, tasty and perfect to enjoy with a meal. Doesn't overpower the food and a sip of Pellegrino will clean the palate. Very, very nice and you can get away with discounts about $90. a case. Good stuff.

DaLawGiver said...
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DaLawGiver said...
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DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clang!Honk!Tweet! said...

Thanks, Trooper.  I'll check it out.

As a rule I avoid Italian wines, especially after the antifreeze scandals of some years ago.  I know it's a defect in my knowledge, but I own up to at least one crude prejudice.

I do the best I can collecting French and some Spanish wines. Having lived in California and having relatives in the business out there, I admit to being a California wine chauvinist.

I found myself in the position of having to order expensive (>$100/bottle) Italian wines for a banquet our company held at Bellagio in Las Vegas a few years ago.  We had several European guests, but somehow I had the reputation as the company wine expert, so everybody agreed to let me decide.  Thanks, fellas!  Of course I had no idea what I was doing.  Thank God some little wine angel was sitting on my shoulder, and everything came off without embarrassment.

I spent every penny of our $5000 wine budget.

Clang!Honk!Tweet! said...

Now back to Althouse's white...

Trooper York said...

Easy to do in the Bellagio. The best bet for me is Il Mulino - Las Vegas at Caesars Palace. It is as good as it gets for an Italian restaurant in Vegas. The wine list is superb and the service is old school. You will go for a lot of scratch but you will enjoy yourself. But as my simple taste in wines show, I enjoy a good product at a reasonable price. My favorite place to have a meal in Vegas is the “House of Lords” in the Sahara. They meet one of my rules for a good restaurant; they make all of the deserts in the Odd Couple. Baked Alaska, Cherries Jubilee and Bananas Foster means they know what the hell they are doing. Hey Clank, I would love a recommendation for a good Rijoica for Saturday Night. Let me know your fave and I will give it a try.

John Stodder said...

I could be to the left of Che Guevara and I'd still rather read Althouse than Glenn Greenwald. In fact, if I was Che Guevera and was alive today, I'd recommend that my comrade Fidel institute 24-hour readings of Glenn Greenwald's blog as a form of torture for the capitalist pigs in his prisons.

To read good writing on the left, I go to Matthew Yglesias, Josh Marshall and the TPM corps, TalkLeft and, well, HuffingtonPost is very well done. Glenn Greenwald is unnecessary and just absolutely awful. He's also an amazing narcissist, and the sock-puppeting incident (I know he disputes it, but that just makes him even more of a liar) reveals he's got no integrity. That he has any readers at all shocks me.

Unknown said...

Six American soldiers were killed in three separate attacks in Iraq on Monday, the military said Tuesday, taking the number of deaths this year to 852. The toll makes 2007 the deadliest year of the war for United States troops.

KCFleming said...

And thanks to their sacrifice, Iraq may yet be won.

Not that you'll be happy about winning, or even admit winning is possible, or even desirable.

Unknown said...

I'd love to win. I just think it's bloody unlikely.

Unknown said...

And for the life of me I don't see what a feasible "win" is.

perfecthair said...

Pogo said:

"Iraq may yet be won."

What exactly does that mean?

Steve M. Galbraith said...

What is it with these lefty bloggers and their food metaphors? It's enough to make you think they're all... doughy.

Well, the late Arthur Schlesinger did call them doughfaces.


AS: "Politics [for doughfaces] becomes, not a means of getting things done, but an outlet for private grievances..."

"Because politics is for the Doughface a means of accommodating himself to a world he does not like but does not really want to change, he can find ample gratification in words. They appease his twinges of guilt without committing him to very drastic action."


Steve M. Galbraith said...

I thought we had agreed after 9/11 that we couldn't allow a failed state to occur amidst the Islamic radicals.

That doing so allows them an opportunity to seize power and use that state to conduct terrorist operations against us and our allies.

And that if we allow Iraq to fail, that that could be one more failed state for them to take advantage of.

Thankfully, since we didn't leave, the Iraqi people have joined with us in routing the Islamists from their midsts. Had we left earlier, I'm doubtful that they would have had the ability on their own to turn back these elements.

A win in Iraq consists of creating a self-sustaining government that can provide security for its people and prevent radical Islamists from outside taking control of parts, if not all, of the country.


Ann Althouse said...

perfecthair said..."i would love to hear Althouse or any other war monger explain what has really been, or will ever be, achieved through the Iraq invasion."

Are you suggesting that I argued for the invasion, that I supported going in? I don't think so. All I ever did was support the mission once it was begun. I think we must do that. I'm not in any sense a "war monger" becaue I had absolutely nothing to do with the debate before the invasion.

Anonymous said...

So listen up buster, and listen up good:
Stop wishin' for bad luck and knockin' on wood.
(John Prine, "Dear Abby", 1973)

Unknown said...

"A win in Iraq consists of creating a self-sustaining government that can provide security for its people and prevent radical Islamists from outside taking control of parts, if not all, of the country."

As I said, I consider that bloody unlikely. And it doesn't make me happy to say so.

Ann Althouse said...

J Lohr cabernet sauvignon....

which I'm enjoying a glass of right now.

Ann Althouse said...

That has been the house wine for years.

Ann Althouse said...

I don't have a house white. I don't like white wine very much. I usually only order it when I don't want to drink.

Simon said...

John, I'll second the comment about Yglesias, who's very good, just wrong, in a very agreeable manner. I'll even go along with point that the others you mention are, with one hulkin' big exception, better than Greenwald. But really - huffpo? Really? The sewer wall of the internet? I found it absolutely typical that when Mickey Kaus' baby brother put up a post disputing one of my posts, not a single comment on his post engaged with (a) what I'd said, (b) what Kaus had said or (c) the actual issue. To a man, the commenters went into a dull prerecorded loop about how ghastly the "Bushitler regime" is, how TORTURE IS TORTURE! DON'T YOU GET IT MAN?, and so forth, which is of absolutely no interest to anyone but these fruitcake leftosphere commenters.

KCFleming said...

And for the life of me I don't see what a feasible "win" is.

Which is what I wrote you would say.

Simon said...

Ann Althouse said...
"[Is PerfectHair] suggesting that I argued for the invasion, that I supported going in? I don't think so. All I ever did was support the mission once it was begun. I think we must do that. I'm not in any sense a "war monger" becaue I had absolutely nothing to do with the debate before the invasion."

Indeed, even if you had argued for it, you didn't start blogging for almost a year after we transformed and rolled out, so to speak, so there'd be no way for your critics to verify such a charge from contemporaneous sources.

Ann Althouse said...
"J Lohr cabernet sauvignon... which I'm enjoying a glass of right now. That has been the house wine for years."

I swear, I'm just attentive to details is all... ;)

I would think any regular here ought to be able to guess what the house red is at Chez Dodd...

Steve M. Galbraith said...

As I said, I consider that bloody unlikely. And it doesn't make me happy to say so.

Well, to paraphrase the sixties song, there's something happen there, what it is ain't exactly clear.

Seems to me that the radicalism of al-Qaeda has led to some good things.

Yes, miles to go before we sleep.


Anonymous said...

SMGalbraith said..."Thankfully, since we didn't leave, the Iraqi people have joined with us in routing the Islamists from their midsts."

We've routed the Islamists from their midsts?

And it didn't make the papers today?

KCFleming said...

And it didn't make the papers today?
Of course not.
Only bad news is printed about Bush.

But if Hillary's elected, magically, the world will transform, at least according to what the NYT prints.

Anonymous said...

Simon: "The sewer wall of the internet?"

Simon said...

Lucy - in Baghdad, yes. And it did make the papers. Yes, even the New York Times, although damned if it wasn't determined to play it down.

Anonymous said...

Pogo said..."Only bad news is printed about Bush."


Anonymous said...

So, you're saying "the Iraqi people have joined with us in routing the Islamists from their midsts?"

But if they're gone...

Why are we still there?

Simon said...

Pogo said...
"Only bad news is printed about Bush.

Well, as they say, the NYT only publishes all the news that's fit to print, in their estimation.

Simon said...

Luckyoldson said...
"But if they're gone... Why are we still there?"

But if the river's been contained in the reservoir... Why do we still need the dam?

Anonymous said...

Simon said this about HuffPo:

"...the commenters went into a dull prerecorded loop about how ghastly the "Bushitler regime" is, how TORTURE IS TORTURE! DON'T YOU GET IT MAN?, and so forth, which is of absolutely no interest to anyone but these fruitcake leftosphere commenters."

Would you consider this to another of those..."fruitcake leftosphere commenters?"

A Marine Corps lawyer told a House subcommittee Thursday the Pentagon blocked him from testifying that harsh interrogation methods tripped up his prosecution of a suspected terrorist.

The accusation came as the debate over detainee treatment continued to affect Michael Mukasey’s nomination as attorney general, with lawmakers struggling to come to a decision on when a confirmation vote would be scheduled.

Meanwhile, a former interrogation instructor for the Navy said the words that congressional Democrats wanted to hear from Mukasey: waterboarding is torture and should be banned.

“Waterboarding is torture, period,” Malcolm Wrightson Nance, a former Navy instructor of prisoner of war and terrorist hostage survival programs, told a House constitutional subcommittee. “I believe that we must reject the use of the waterboard for prisoners and captives and cleanse this stain from our national honor.”

Steve M. Galbraith said...

I knew when I said "routed" that the usual suspects would claim I said "eliminated".

English is a foreign language to these types. As well as logic, history, facts and rational discourse.

And of course, al-Qaeda is still trying to remove the democratically-elected government in Iraq and create an Islamist state.

Along with other elements who wish to either re-impose the Baathist dictatorship or a Shi'a Iran dictatorship.

Good news is just hard to take for those who want us to lose.


Simon said...

Lucy, think of it like this, in terms that ought to be more familiar: Does a party’s voluntary cessation of an actionable activity render a case being litigated against them moot, even without any reasonable expectation that the wrong won't be repeated if the litigation ceased?

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, so that Democracy thingie is over and now we're a...dam?

And next year we'll be...

dbp said...

Just a point of New England Pride but...

TRex said...
You know lady, for a creature who looks entirely sculpted from Kraft Marshmallow Fluff, you talk an awful lot about other people being "doughy".

Marshmallow Fluff is made by the native Durkee-Mower company, and maybe not available outside of New England. It bears little resemblance to Kraft's Marshmallow Creme, which one must never use as a substitute.


Anonymous said...

Semantics aside: We haven't "routed" nor "eliminated" them.

If we had, people could move freely outside of the green zone...without threat of death.

Are you saying this is the case?

P.S. Simon: Too wordy. Try to be more concise.

Anonymous said...

SMG, Simon, etc.

Want to take a run at explining why there has been literally NO political success thus far in Iraq?

Maybe you could rattle off some of the new agreements, laws or edicts coming out of Parliament.

Oh, and who's running the show these days?

John Stodder said...

But really - huffpo? Really? The sewer wall of the internet?

I was considering them in terms of readability. It's a very mixed bag, but some of what they post is clever and well-written.

But you're right. The comments section there is like the comments section on all left-wing blogs. Repeated "amens" except expressed in disgustingly vulgar language. Few if any challenging ideas allowed to survive the deletions for alleged "trolling," which on left wing sites equals "not agreeing with the people this site is written for."

Actually, here's a statement I can make unequivocally: There is nothing more chickenshit on the internet than the comment moderation practices of left-wing blogs. Nothing. You think Dick Cheney "cherry picks" intel? How about the comment moderators at Think Progress or Crooks and Liars or Daily Kos or, indeed, Huffpo, who in their desperate attempt to make it seem like everyone agrees with them, systematically eliminate reasoned arguments against their p.o.v. Oh, sure, they let a few right-wing comments stay up, but only the most obnoxious, idiotic and borderline racist comments, so everyone else can point to them and say, "See. That's who we're fighting. Knuckle-draggers. Mouth breathers. Fuckwits." It is just sad, how impermeable their cocoon is.

Left-wingers in my day relished arguing with intelligent conservatives. Now, they refuse to do it, and actively suppress information and arguments that they can't answer.

Anonymous said...

SMG says: "And of course, al-Qaeda is still trying to remove the democratically-elected government in Iraq and create an Islamist state."

I love your use of the term..."remove."

You really mean...KILL.


John Stodder said...

By the way, to his great credit, Yglesias never deletes opposing views, at least as far as I can tell. He's got a lot more courage than his Atlantic blog-mate Andrew Sullivan, who won't even deign to allow comments.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Are you saying this is the case?

I am not "saying" anything.

They are.

(And, of course, al-Qaeda is not the only threat in Iraq/Baghdad)


blake said...

Zrimsek/Pillersbury made me glad I wasn't drinking while reading.

blake said...

I don't think "happiness" really describes the emotions of those rooting for failure. It's more an addiction to schadenfreude.

I didn't vote for Bush either time and I was on the fence about the invasion--I was worried they might use those WMDs on our troops! But over time, I'm beginning to think that Iraq was a brilliant strategic maneuver.

In fact, in a weird sort of way, the ferocious anti-war focus on Iraq may actually help us in the long run. Victory in Iraq is within our grasp (well, the Iraqis' grasp). I'm not sure about Afghanistan, though.

If that's the case, the hyper-focus on Iraq could mitigate failure in Afghanistan.


TitusWK said...

OMG that youtube video is so degrading and mean.

Simon said...

John Stodder said...
"Andrew Sullivan ... won't even deign to allow comments."

Indeed, which made it absolutely hilarious when he castigated RedState for restricting comments from Ron Paul supports, and invited the Paulistas to come on over to his blog.

garage mahal said...

Actually, here's a statement I can make unequivocally: There is nothing more chickenshit on the internet than the comment moderation practices of left-wing blogs

Really? Not even FreeRepublic, LGF, Redstate, Malkin? Can a liberal even post there? Odd a liberal like yourself only finds faults with other liberals, and liberal blogs, and will always doggedly back conservatives on every issue it seems. Hmmph!

Sure you're a liberal?

Anonymous said...

You're using an article from the NEW YORK make a point?

Have you cleared this with Sloan, Fen, Simon, Cedar, Jeff, John, Trooper, Drill Sgt., Reader, rcocean, rhhardin, Pogo, Sgt Ted and others who belong to the "pack?"

I love it when you have to use publications or people who you all see as some kind of left wing, Un-American, unpatriotic, socialistic machine...but only when it fits your need to make a point.


perfecthair said...

Althouse said:

"[Is PerfectHair] suggesting that I argued for the invasion, that I supported going in? I don't think so. All I ever did was support the mission once it was begun. I think we must do that. I'm not in any sense a "war monger" becaue I had absolutely nothing to do with the debate before the invasion."

really? are you being truthful Ann? i have only visited your blog a few times, but it seems that every time i open it you've posted another sideways full-endorsement of the most extreme right-wing positionns on the Iraq war and everything related to it.

TitusWK said...

It is Friday fellow republicans.

Let's all take a deep breath and reward ourselves for the hard week of work we completed.

Ignore the liberals who come here and try and disrupt the meanlingful dialog.

I for one him horny and want some big juicy cock and a tight hole to smile at me this weekend.

What are the rest of my republicans looking for this weekend?

Steve M. Galbraith said...

You're using an article from the NEW YORK make a point?

As they say on the basketball courts, ya' got no game.

None at all.


John Stodder said...

Really? Not even FreeRepublic, LGF, Redstate, Malkin? Can a liberal even post there?

1. I rarely go to these sites. I find them disturbing and depressing. Well, Redstate isn't so bad. But the others -- ugh.

2. I expect more from my side. I'm old, see, and I remember when liberalism included an absolute devotion to freedom of speech and an intellectual curiousity about the world in general. That's gone, gone, gone.

3. But, nonetheless, you've got a fair point. I have tried to post on Hugh Hewitt a few times, nothing terribly unreasonable in keeping with the generally civil tone of that site. At least twice, my comments have been moderated out. Hint: Don't say anything bad about Hugh's pinup boy, Mitt Romney.

Clang!Honk!Tweet! said...

Trooper: Il Mulino was mentioned by several people, but I've never been there.  I basically hate Las Vegas with a passion, and only go there on business if absolutely necessary.  I know there are great restaurants there now, but when in Las Vegas, I just do whatever business I need to, sleep as much as I can, eat what's in front of me, grit my teeth, and head to the airport when its over.  I have had some good meals, but basically I don't care, being in the most thoroughly evil place in the galaxy.

Your mention of Rioja wines made me think that I still had a few bottles of Bodegas Lan '98 Grand Reserva lurking under the stairs.  No trip to Brookline tonight for me.  That stuff is not getting any better.  My wife has grilled some pork and will serve it with her trademark pasta, braised Brussels sprouts and her lovely light salad.  I got home and uncorked one of 4 remaining bottles.  If you can find it, it's good to drink now, but it's dry, dry, DRY, so let it breathe.
I paid about $180 for a case several years ago, so I expect you'd see it retail at maybe $15-20.

A much better wine, and a better value is the Conde de Valdemar Gran Reserva 1995.  If you see this, buy it. Maybe $24-30.

Anyway, gotta go and eat!

Simon said...

garage mahal said...
"Really? Not even FreeRepublic, LGF, Redstate, Malkin? Can a liberal even post there?"

When my son asks if he "can" do something, I'll often point out the difference between "yes, you have permission" and "yes, you are able." Yes, liberals can post there in the latter sense. Whether they're able to do so - to phrase a point without a 1:3 profanity to all other words ratio - is debatable. There are intelligent and articulate liberals capable of respectful debate. You will find several here. But you will find almost none on Huffpo, Kos and so forth.

Luckyoldson said...
"SMGalbraith, You're using an article from the NEW YORK make a point? ... I love it when you have to use publications or people who you all see as some kind of left wing, Un-American, unpatriotic, socialistic machine...but only when it fits your need to make a point."

You're an idiot. The point is incredibly simple: when progress becomes so impossible to ignore that even the New York Times has to admit it, you know serious headway is being made.

perfecthair said...
"i have only visited your blog a few times, but it seems that every time i open it you've posted another sideways full-endorsement of the most extreme right-wing positionns on the Iraq war and everything related to it."

(1) The proprietor of this blog isn't responsible for the infrequency with which you visit and your misapprehensions of those posts you do read.
(2) I suspect that you think that any position on the Iraq war that doesn't involve almost immediate and total surrender and retreat constitutes "the most extreme right-wing positionns [sic.] on the Iraq war and everything related to it."
(3) I think it'd be wiser if you quoted Ann's comment rather than my comment quoting it.

Trooper York said...

The Giants to beat the Cowboys, the Knicks to beat Orlando and Miami, the Rangers to beat the Leafs, and a nice Rioja to savor with the skirt steaks in chimichurri sauce with black beans and rice with a side of chorizo and yucca fries that I preparing for tonight’s dinner..

Ann Althouse said...

Here's a question for perfecthair: Is supporting victory in the war a right-wing position? Commit! (And be damned.)

Simon said...

Ann Althouse said...
"Here's a question for perfecthair: Is supporting victory in the war a right-wing position? Commit! (And be damned.)"

Or, for that matter, is supporting surrender and retreat a left-wing position? Commit! (And be damned.)

Trooper York said...

Is the Colorado River producing enough water to fill all of the fountains in Vegas.
Commit.(And be Dammed)(Dammed again, just a little further up the river so we can have more pirate ships at Treasure Island casino).

I'm Full of Soup said...

Wow this was a fun thread today. Kind of like a long school recess. It's funny to see Ann use her acute sense of humor to get the lib loons all angry. They have such thin skin and no sense of humor... they are agahst and horrified that Ann does not always blog about serious topics and that she takes time to make fun of their flabby physiques and flabby minds.

Gotta go - it's recess for me and Happy Hour is beckoning.Jees it's 4PM already (on West Coast this week) - I am getting a late start.

Carry on without me...How's LUCY?

jeff said...

You're using an article from the NEW YORK make a point?"
"Have you cleared this with Sloan, Fen, Simon, Cedar, Jeff, John, Trooper, Drill Sgt., Reader, rcocean, rhhardin, Pogo, Sgt Ted and others who belong to the "pack?""

Fine by me. But I understand context.

Anonymous said...

You don't know the meaning of meaningful.


reader_iam said...

I wonder if TRex originally wrote "to my shock and awe." Otherwise, why not just "chagrin"?

(FWIW, and FTR, I'm not into the physical-aspects thing [nothing new there], which is one of the major reasons I didn't comment earlier.)

Trooper York said...

Clank, I just went to Scotto's wine cellar and got a couple of bottles of Conde de Valdemar Gran Reserva 1995. I uncorked one and it is sitting on the sideboard as I prepare our simple repast. Thanks for the tip, I will let you know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Ann Althouse said..."Here's a question for perfecthair: Is supporting victory in the war a right-wing position? Commit! (And be damned.)"

Ann, I think that in itself illustrates perfecthair's position.

When you say "Is supporting victory in the war a right-wing position?"...are you implying that those who do not support staying in Iraq are somehow not "supporting victory" and are left-wing?

Saying you want victory is easy...EVERYBODY IN AMERICA's explaining how you expect that to happen that becomes difficult.

What exactly is YOUR position on what's occurring right now? Are you for staying the course for as long as it takes? Gradually pulling out the troops? Continuing the funding forever?

Right now even the military experts say we can't win without political solutions via the Iraqis themselves. As long as we don't have that, we're nothing more than the occupying babysitters who are hated by a good many of the people in Iraq...and a continuing source of angst among the Mideastern factions.

reader_iam said...

SM Galbraith: I was a daily subscriber to dead tree New York Times for many, many, many years until 1996, when I moved to Iowa, where to-the-door delivery, where I live, became unavailable. I was very relieved when its content when online. I paid for Times Select when that became necessary.

You are seriously out to lunch on this one, and most likely my attitude about the media in general. I can be fiercely and sharply critical of, especially, newspaper coverage, and also other print media, but I fell in love with the medium as a young kid and have never fallen out.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Secondarily: No one need ask me permission to read or cite anything. I'm for more of both, and without narrowing the universe of the readable (and don't be obtuse about in what sense I'm using that term--we're not talking writing, here) and the citable.

Assume less. Analyze better. Question your assumptions even more!

Simon said...

Luckyoldson said...
"When [Ann] say[s] "Is supporting victory in the war a right-wing position?"... [is she] implying that those who do not support staying in Iraq are somehow not "supporting victory" and are left-wing? Saying you want victory is easy...EVERYBODY IN AMERICA DOES."

No, Lucy, "everybody" does not want "victory." A significant proportion of Democratic voters - I had thought you among them - want troops out, either now or by some other deadline that is not tethered to events on the ground in Iraq. That is not "victory," unless you have an alternative understanding of "victory" that assigns that term to the concept known by every other fluent user of the English language as "surrender" and "retreat."

reader_iam said...

just musing ... favorite jobs from my msm (an acronym I almost never use because of its too-often kneejerk, overgeneralized, baggage) past ... reporter ... bureau chief ... assistant city editor ... assistant copy desk chief (in charge of the nightside desk) ...

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

How many other of your assumptions are wrong, do you wonder?

Trooper York said...

I found newspapers very useful in 1969 when I had a part time job in a boat out of Sheepshead Bay which went for fluke and flounder every night. After you cleaned and filleted the bottom feeders, it was very handy to have a few New York Times around. Very, very useful indeed.

reader_iam said...

The great bright spot in your comment, SM, is my imagining the shock of (I'd say "faces of," but, well, you know ... that'd be an obvious stretch) at least some of the people you listed reacting to the idea that I belong to the pack.

Hector Owen said...

Reader_iam, that was Lucy who listed people, here. SMG didn't list people.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

The great bright spot in your comment, SM, is my imagining the shock of (I'd say "faces of," but, well, you know ... that'd be an obvious stretch) at least some of the people you listed reacting to the idea that I belong to the pack

Sorry, you have the wrong person.

The post you're responding to was by Luckyoldson. Not me.


DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jeff said...

Hmmm. AMC is showing Blazing Saddles right now. Apparently they cut out every possible offensive word.

rcocean said...


What do you define as "victory"?
Please be specific.

I supported the original invasion, but I'm getting a little tired of the "victory is just around the corner" meme. In fact, now that we've killed Sadaam and found no WMDs, I have no idea why we are still there.

Trooper York said...

Perhaps a slight wager my cow nursing friend?

Steve M. Galbraith said...

In fact, now that we've killed Sadaam and found no WMDs, I have no idea why we are still there.

How about, among other reasons, the concern that leaving a "failed state" provides an opportunity for the Islamists to setup camp and attack our allies and us?

Afghanistan late 90's redux?

I won't even mention the humanitarian factor.


Trooper York said...

I see you split, I guess the ghosts of Tucker Fredrickson and Spider Lockhart has scared you away.

rcocean said...


Fine, so what is "Victory" and when do we go home?

I just want to know what you think.

Simon said...

jeff said...
"Hmmm. AMC is showing Blazing Saddles right now. Apparently they cut out every possible offensive word."

If you did that, there wouldn't be a movie left!

Trooper York said...

Olson Johnson: All right, we'll give some land to the niggers and the chinks, but we DON'T WANT THE IRISH.
(Blazing Saddles 1974)

Kyle said...

Let's go back to the top of the thread.

Kevin Drum may or may not be ... doughy.

Ann Althouse may or may not be ... sane.

Smilin' Jack said...

Darn...I was hoping this thread might yield some creative personal insults--it started off promisingly, but has as usual degenerated into political discussion and word salad.

Getting back to more interesting points:

I wouldn't start a fight about physical appearance if I were you, honey. You look like you're going out for the lead in a community theater stage adaption of " Falling Down".

I don't see how comparing someone to Michael Douglas, even in nerd drag, is much of an insult. Anyway, I thought TRex in that photo looked quite suitably reptilian and predatory.

Michael The Magnificent said...

DOROTHY: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?

SCARECROW: I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?

DOROTHY: Yes, I guess you're right.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Fine, so what is "Victory" and when do we go home?

Victory is when the Iraqi government and people are able to defend themselves from those groups, both outside and inside, that wish to establish an anti-US pro-Islamist dictatorship.

A dictatorship that will threaten us and our allies abroad and at home.

When they can do that, we can then come home (from Iraq).


RebeccaH said...

All I got from Greenwald is that we really must be winning in Iraq, and he hates it, because that completely demolishes his whole nasty, defeatist world view. So, yay for the winners, and boo fucking hoo to the losers. Not that this was ever a petty contest between two high school cliques, as the left have regarded it. Lives were at stake in places that don't resemble the comfy ivory-tower blue states.

reader_iam said...

SMG: I apologize. I was careless and I screwed up. Speaking of being "Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.!"

Directed at the correct person, everything else stands. Except that I might not have reacted so strongly, because ... what else ought one expect? ("Ought" is the operative word; I have many feeble hopes in my stable, so to speak.)

Again, SMG: My bad, without qualification. I'm sorry.

Trooper York said...

Don't be upset reader_iam, it just establishes your bona fides as a card carrying member of the MSM.
(Just joshing ya baby)

Simon said...

Smilin' Jack said...
"I don't see how comparing someone to Michael Douglas, even in nerd drag, is much of an insult."

For a start, he has to sleep with CZJ. Which is concededly not a fate worse than death, but it's not a fate I'd wish for.

rcocean said...


Thanks. Maybe you should contact the Bush Administration. They seem unable to state it so clearly.

DaLawGiver said...


My Cowboys are going to spank your Giants.


rcocean said...

"Olson Johnson: All right, we'll give some land to the niggers and the chinks, but we DON'T WANT THE IRISH.
(Blazing Saddles 1974)"

Sadly, OJ's sage advice was ignored and look at the result:

Ted Kennedy and Chris Matthews.

DaLawGiver said...

My previews looked one way and when I published it was another. So I deleted them. Something screwy with my HTML tags.

A small wager would be great what do you suggest?

perfecthair said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Simon said...

rcocean said...
"SMG: Thanks. Maybe you should contact the Bush Administration. They seem unable to state it so clearly."


perfecthair said...

Althouse said:

Is supporting victory in the war a right-wing position? Commit! (And be damned.)

here are some responses:

1. i think that "right-wing" and left-wing", like "liberal" ad "conservative" are tired old concepts that aren't very helpful. i don't consider myself as part of either group. i might have used a different term, but I was trying to make reference to the views generally held by what it is a generally-recognized group, to which your opinions seem to conform.

2. "Is supporting victory in the war a right-wing position?" doesn't seem very meaningful. it's a trivial question. i don't get it.

3. what does "victory" mean in the Iraq war? be specific

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Again, SMG: My bad, without qualification. I'm sorry.

That's okay, thanks. I've done the same thing before (responded to the wrong poster).


Simon said...

BTW, Trex, don't feel bad. I'm sure I count as "doughy" too. It's not your BMI that's really the worst thing about you.

Revenant said...

Wow, all these disagreements. Can't we just focus on the things we have in common? TRex thinks he's a worse writer than Greenwald, less able to think of interesting takes on an idea than Greenwald is.

Isn't that something we can all agree on? :)

Simon said...

Rev, I can't even agree with that. Greenwald's actually worse even than Trex.

reader_iam said...

Age 7. A chip, so to speak.

Trooper York said...

Lawgiver, we meet for beers in either Brooklyn, or wherever you are at, or some other mutually agreeable spot (I will be in Vegas in Feb). Loser pays unless the winner pukes first. It's a teaser.

SGT Ted said...

I supported the original invasion, but I'm getting a little tired of the "victory is just around the corner" meme. In fact, now that we've killed Sadaam and found no WMDs, I have no idea why we are still there.

Because the job isn't done yet. That's what it means when you commit to war.

Trust me on this one.

and think Germany and Japan.

Bongo Journalist said...

wyatt gwyon said...
my point was this: why this second post in just a few days on "doughy" left-wing bloggers? why am i even reading about the body-type of these people rather than about the content of their ideas? when do we deal with ideas instead of style?

11:24 AM

You have neither, so don't waste a lot of time worrying about it.

DaLawGiver said...

It's a bet!

Kev said...

My Cowboys are going to spank your Giants.


Yeah, I'm in Lawgiver's camp on this one.

(BTW, Lawgiver, did you happen to see that every Cowboys home game for next season is already sold out?

DaLawGiver said...

Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter, they're America's team baby!

And they aren't doughy even though Jerry Jones has a lot of dough.

perfecthair said...

sgt Ted said:

Because the job isn't done yet. That's what it means when you commit to war.

Trust me on this one.

and think Germany and Japan.

geez are you stupid. have you had your head under a rock? you can't see what menaingless comparisons those are? did post-war Japan have militias running around shooting at each other and American soldiers? was Germany attacked by the United States unprovoked?

perfecthair said...

......and was th US making a grab for oil or natural resources in Japan or Germany. today, is the whole world united behind the cause rebuilding Iraq as a US colony?

Revenant said...

did post-war Japan have militias running around shooting at each other and American soldiers?

Had we not nuked it, yes, it would have had exactly that. That's pretty much WHY we nuked it, in fact. If we treated the terror-supporting nations the way we treated Japan our problems would be solved in short order. Of course, people would probably whine about the millions of dead Muslims...

was Germany attacked by the United States unprovoked?

Whether our invasion of Iraq was "unprovoked" or not is irrelevant to the question of whether or not we should stay there until the country is pacified.

We're fighting this war in a much more difficult -- and much more humanitarian -- manner than we fought previous wars. It costs a lot more, and it takes longer, but we lose a lot fewer people and inflict a lot fewer innocent civilian casualties. But the basic problem we faced in WW2 is the same as the one we face now.

......and was th US making a grab for oil or natural resources in Japan or Germany. today, is the whole world united behind the cause rebuilding Iraq as a US colony?

Well you had us going for a minute there, but you gave away the game with the "grab for oil" and "Iraq as a US colony" gaffe. That sort of silliness has no traction outside of the political fringes. Come back when you're serious about politics, hm?

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