I've always been impressed by her presence of mind and the clear power of her intellect. I think this is a sign of someone truly able to think ten times faster than normal people that she can see this situation as it develops and decide on a proper reaction faster than most of use would be able to even know something is happening. Wow.
As much as I admire the Secretary of State, I am afraid that the only thing that would truly startle her is a fully erect penis. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I guess it's all in the presentation after all.
I'm glad we have a Secretary of State who has had personal experience with terrorism...
"I remember the bombing of that Sunday School at 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham in 1963. I did not see it happen, but I heard it happen, and I felt it happen, just a few blocks away at my father’s church. It is a sound that I will never forget, that will forever reverberate in my ears. That bomb took the lives of four young girls, including my friend and playmate, Denise McNair. The crime was calculated to suck the hope out of young lives, bury their aspirations. But those fears were not propelled forward, those terrorists failed." Vanderbilt University, May 13, 2004
I used to like Condi more than recently. Have have been surprised by her recent pandering to various ME leaders attempting to move an Israeli-Palestinian peace process forward, when there clearly are not 2 committed sides interested in peace.
Peewee: [Overhearing what Joey says Turkey about the Baldies] Hey, Terror! This guy just said we look like a bunch of pricks with ears! Joey: [Terror and the rest of the Baldies walk toward Joey] I didn't say that! I didn't say that! Peewee: Oh yeah! What did you say? Joey: I said, uh, you guys look like a bunch of, uh, ears without pricks! [Takes off running with the Baldies in pursuit] (The Wanderers 1979)
Time to class up the joint with a bit of Trooper's schtick:
Queen Elizabeth: O thou well skilled in curses, stay awhile And teach me how to curse mine enemies! Queen Margaret: Forbear to sleep the nights, and fast the days; Compare dead happiness with living woe; Think that thy babes were sweeter than they were And he that slew them fouler than he is: Bett'ring thy loss makes the bad causer worse; Revolving this will teach thee how to curse. Queen Elizabeth: My words are dull. O, quicken them with thine! Queen Margaret: Thy woes will make them sharp and pierce like mine. --- Duchess: Why should calamity be full of words? Queen Elizabeth: Windy attorneys to their client woes, Airy succeeders of intestate joys, Poor breathing orators of miseries, Let them have scope! Though what they will impart Help nothing else, yet do they ease the heart. Duchess: If so, then be not tongue-tied: go with me, And in the breath of bitter words let's smother My damned son that thy two sweet sons smothered. The trumpet sounds. Be copious in exclaims.
Enter King Richard and his train, Marching with drums and trumpets King Richard:Who intercepts me in my expedition? Duchess: O, she that might have intercepted thee, By strangling thee in her accursed womb, From all the slaughters (wretch!) that thou hast done! --- King Richard: A flourish, trumpets! Strike alarum, drums! Let not the heavens hear these tell-tale women Rail on the Lord's anointed. Strike, I say!
[Flourish. Alarums] Either be patient and entreat me fair, Or with the clamorous report of war Thus will I drown your exclamations.
Might as well close out Mom's last words to Richard:
Duchess:Hear me a word; For I shall never speak to thee again. King Richard:So. Duchess: Either thou wilt die by God's just ordinance Ere from this war thou turn a conqueror; Or I with grief and extreme age shall perish And never more behold thy face again. Therefore take with thee my most grievous curse, Which in the day of battle tire thee more Than all the complete armor that thou wear'st! My prayers on the adverse party fight, And there the little souls of Edward's children Whisper the spirits of thine enemies And promise them success and victory! Bloody thou art, bloody will be thy end; Shame serves thy life and doth thy death attend.
Dude the comments aren't tasteless, they just taste funky. As the great James Brown once intoned: I don't care what ya do, just so long as you make it funky.
The clip was pretty disturbing to me as the woman got within inches of Rice before she was even noticed. This story would have been quite different if the woman had been wielding a knife rather than only bloody hands. I think a security review of her detail is in order.
This story would have been quite different if the woman had been wielding a knife rather than only bloody hands.
Capitol screeners are better than TSA. It would be hard to get that far with a knife. That said, that's not much comfort if the protestor were to throw a good punch.
Beth said... "Stiff pricks and 'screeching' women. Another Althouse contribution to gendered analysis. Keepin' it classy, Ann!"
I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that those contributions to gendered analysis were from comments left at the Althouse blog by people other than Althouse, and that being deemed sufficiently tolerable by Althouse as not to be deleted is far from being endorsed by Althouse.
"I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that those contributions to gendered analysis were from comments left at the Althouse blog by people other than Althouse, and that being deemed sufficiently tolerable by Althouse as not to be deleted is far from being endorsed by Althouse."
Thanks. It's very much the way I'm treated on places like Instaputz. It really seems to be liberals who think it's okay to attack women by saying they need to have sex. I hope Beth is noticing that.
I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that if the Althouse blog is to truly be Felliniesque, we need to have various types’of misshapen and distorted imagery including sexual and scatological elements which might be disturbing to some readers. However I would like to make it clear that I did not in any way want to denigrate or attack woman as there is nothing I love more in this world. In particular I hope my gentle and feeble witticisms did not imply any negative connotations toward Sapphic love as it is indeed a beautiful, beautiful thing and does indeed comprise a significant portion of my private DVD collection. All the best ladies.
Naw, don't punch. Don't use your bare hands to fight unless you're naked and they've nailed your feet to the floor.
A chair to the face will give anyone pause; if nothing else, grab one of the desk phones and use it as a bludgeon. Of course, it's always best to trip and then go for the kidneys; I bet she's wearing heels, and you could do some real damage with those. Oooooh, yeah.
balfegor: Yeah, I noticed that. Apparently they're so overcome with emotion that they've regressed to an earlier mental state.
I have to say, though, it must be nice to let yourself go like that. To so completely and totally put all responsibility in the hands of another. I can't help but feel that these women have been ill-served by the feminist movement; they've been told that they're strong and intellectual and independent, and they really aren't. What they need is to have someone be In Control; not necessarily manipulative or domineering, but clearly the Alpha Figure in their lives.
halojenes you have it upside-down. if there were more people like that in this country this pointless war never would have started.
but keep on calling names, and don't stop with the misogyny either--nice and simple. those are easy ways out for a coward and you make it easy for everybody to figure you out.
To me, she looked disappointed. As if she were thinking "Oh jeez..not this again."
And for a woman who has overseen so much horrific behavior and been complicit in such tragic lies, I imagine she would have to completely numb herself out to stuff like this. How else could she sleep at night? I almost feel sorry for her (maybe it's because I want to believe that deep down she is good and moral?) but then I have to remind myself that she has made all these choices herself and no one has had a gun to her head.
" It really seems to be liberals who think it's okay to attack women by saying they need to have sex. "
....and don't forget that the "sack-breasted screeching women" could really use a closed-fist", " desk phone [used] as a bludgeon" or a "chair", anything the let her know who's "In Control".
and you, Ann, in your own passive-aggressive way, are condoning this. violence is probably the only thing that you can imagine for this person who mustered more courage than than you will ever have.
i am pleased that we have a right-wing wacko here at the UW to offset Kevin Barrett. you're in good company!
Beth: "Ann, I don't know who all on this thread is liberal. I wouldn't have pegged ricpic that way, but I'll have to assume you keep track."
I was going by the fact that the attack was on Rice.
perfecthair said..."" It really seems to be liberals who think it's okay to attack women by saying they need to have sex." ...and don't forget that the "sack-breasted screeching women" could really use a closed-fist", " desk phone [used] as a bludgeon" or a "chair", anything the let her know who's "In Control"." and you, Ann, in your own passive-aggressive way, are condoning this. violence is probably the only thing that you can imagine for this person who mustered more courage than than you will ever have."
Being prepared to fight in defense when someone comes at you in a violent way is not sex and not inappropriate violence. And coming at someone in an aggressively violent way is not admirable "courage." And not spending more time moderating comments is not "passive-aggressive." So have you said anything worthwhile?
hdhouse said...""It really seems to be liberals who think it's okay to attack women by saying they need to have sex." I hope you are kidding Althouse. Very serious. I do hope you are saying that tongue in check."
In this thread, it was said against Rice, so I take it as the liberal voice. I see myself attacked myself only by liberals.
Althouse: then let me correct you. It appears you assign a Darwinian hierarchy/classification to posters on the "liberal boards" as well as some here (as many do who post here) starting with "liberal" or "conservative" instead of ending your characteristic profile with "appears to be liberal or appears to be a conservative" even if that were necessary at all. In this particular case - Condi, the references were tasteless and boorish and had no place. The gross generalization that "liberals appear to be the only ones who attack me in this way" (paraphrased) assigns liberals as a first characteristic instead of fools, knaves, sexist pigs, slugs, etc.
This liberal has never attacked you in a personal way and frankly has been supportive or at least openminded to your views. But I have done so as a thinking person first and not as a liberal first.
However, there is now a very real slant on this blog that casts people ... particularly liberals, as everything from traitors to sexist adversaries. That is highly offensive.
I will miss this board and the fun of the interaction. But all good things must come to and end and this has for me. Time for me to find a different playground.
What the hell? You weren't the one who said Rice needed to have sex, were you? My observation is that these days, that old-fashioned taunt comes from liberals attacking women they perceive as conservative. Why are you perceiving that as an attack on you? That's just weird.
Harry, if a leftosphere blogger wrote "it mainly seems to be conservatives who attack me," regardless of whether the statement is true, would it be legitimate for any specific conservative to feel personally aggrieved and rejoin that "this conservative has never attacked you in a personal way"? Do you dispute that the vast majority of the anti-Althousiana -- not all, to be sure, but while Ann has critics on the right, few of them suffer from the ADS of her lefty critics -- are denizens of the leftosphere? Do you deny that they tend to attack in an personal, sexualized manner using crude gender stereotypes that one would expect feminists to decry? Come off it. You've been here long enough to know better. Ann didn't say that all liberals are guilty by association, only that she "see[s] [her]self attacked ... only by liberals," an observation which seems generally true.
The gross generalization that "liberals appear to be the only ones who attack me in this way" (paraphrased) assigns liberals as a first characteristic instead of fools, knaves, sexist pigs, slugs, etc.
Coming from the guy who labels conservatives as wingnuts, uber alles wing of the GOP and brownshirts, this comment is particularly rich.
I will miss this board and the fun of the interaction. But all good things must come to and end and this has for me. Time for me to find a different playground.\
Wyatt Earp: I just want you to know its over between us. Curly Bill: Well…..bye Johnny Ringo: Smell that Bill? Smells like someone died. Curly Bill: Jesus Johnny…. (Tombstone, 1993)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Johnny: How many men have you forgotten? Vienna: As many women as you've remembered. Johnny: Don't go away. Vienna: I haven't moved. Johnny: Tell me something nice. Vienna: Sure, what do you want to hear? Johnny: Lie to me. Tell me all these years you've waited. Tell me. Vienna: [without feeling] All those years I've waited. Johnny: Tell me you'd a-died if I hadn't come back. Vienna: [without feeling] I woulda died if you hadn't come back. Johnny: Tell me you still love me like I love you. Vienna: [without feeling] I still love you like you love me. Johnny: [bitterly] Thanks. Thanks a lot. (Johnny Guitar 1954)
Ann, that assumption makes no sense to me. Obviously, and we've had past conversations about this, there are liberal men who use sexism behind a veil of irony. You and I are mutually disgusted by them. But that doesn't support assuming the "she needs a stiff prick" comments in this thread are from liberals, and drawing the conclusion that it's liberals who mainly use sexism to attack women. For starters, it ignores reams of comments on your site from conservative men in exactly the same vein. Go troll through the Jessica Valenti threads of old if you need a refresher. That vortex led straight to the sewer and conservative male commenters swarmed it like rats.
Ben, the two of us need look no more We both found what we were looking for With a friend to call my own I'll never be alone And you my friend will see You've got a friend in me (you've got a friend in me)
Ben, you're always running here and there (here and there) You feel you're not wanted anywhere (anywhere) If you ever look behind And don't like what you find There's something you should know You've got a place to go (you've got a place to go)
I used to say, I and me Now it's us, now it's we (I used to say, I and me) (now it's us, now it's we)
Ben, most people would turn you away I don't listen to a word they say They don't see you as I do I wish they would try to I'm sure they'd think again If they had a friend like Ben (a friend) Like Ben (like Ben) Like Ben
I'm truly startled that I can't get the video to download, so must guess the contents.
But whatever that was, it's not half as stimulating as a photo of your Condi in last week's British Sunday papers showing her dressed as a grid-iron gal, complete with 'balls of steel' helmet and 'let's go tackle' smile.
The profile contained:
'She dated some fooballers early in her career, but they weren't her intellectual equal so were dropped.'
How weird is that?
Or priceless:
'Rumours of lesbianism are unfounded.'
Just imagine how much data you'd have to collect to make that assertion!
Well the dumpster divers at the National Enquirer did not find even one empty tuna can in her trash and the latest profile in House and Garden showed that her carpets are indeed in pristine condition, so it is quite true that we must consider these scurrilous rumors as unfounded. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I've gotta go with Beth on this: Although many comments I've read/heard about the Secretary of State's sexuality or appearance are generated by liberal guys trying to get away with a sexist remark under the guise of politics, the remarks in this thread were made by guys I usually don't associate with being liberals.
P.S. And although I'm laughing at Trooper York's comments until the ginger ale that I'm drinking comes out my nose, at the same time I'm thinking, disappointedly: "Sure, go right for the appearance and the lesbian jokes."
Conservatives don't have this particular delusion.
Ann, do you think they have the more parallel delusion, that it's okay for conservatives to use sexism in making fun of liberal women? I do. How hard do you think it is to find sexist comments by conservatives about Hillary Clinton, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Nancy Pelosi, or any feminist leader whose name is in the news?
"They cannot even speak Gorean," said the man beside me. "Barbarians," I said. "Yes," he said. The girl had spoken in English. This had confirmed my surmise as to their origin. I had come to Seibar's market out of curiosity. I had heard he was the major dealer in Kailiauk for barbarian slaves. I did not know, but I suspected that he himself was not in league with Kurii, but merely purchased wholesale lots of such girls from one or more of their agents. Such girls, I gathered, from my conversations with the teamster with whom I had ridden to Fort Haskins, were sold at various points along the perimeter. I had, earlier in the afternoon, on one of my purchased kaiila, scouted the terrain north and south of Kailiauk. In my ride I had come to one place, sheltered among small hills, in which I had found scorched grass and several, rounded six-inch-deep impressions in the earth. It had been there, I speculated, that one of the steel ships of the Kurii had landed. Also there were wagon tracks leading away from the area, toward Kailiauk. I was less fortunate, at various small camps and outlying farms, in obtaining information as to the possible whereabouts of a white trader named Grunt. I did not approach the Ihanke, nor did I wish to do so, if possible, until I knew exactly what I was doing. I did not know, for example, even if it were guarded or not. "Even if such girls understood Gorean," said the fellow next to me, amused, "they could probably not even understand what was required of them. They probably do not even know the hundred kisses." "They could be taught," I said. "That is so," he laughed. Savages (Slave Girls of Gor, John Norman)
Beth said... "Ann, do you think they have the more parallel delusion, that it's okay for conservatives to use sexism in making fun of liberal women? I do. How hard do you think it is to find sexist comments by conservatives about Hillary Clinton, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Nancy Pelosi, or any feminist leader whose name is in the news?"
I'm not meaning to quibble, and I'm sure you could be right, but with that said, I can't think of a single example off the top of my head - what did you have in mind? Certainly there are derisory comments made about Pelosi, for example, or Clinton, but I can't think of sexist examples of a kind with those mentioned above.
"She fell to kissing me, with the lascivious, wanton joy of the slave girl, given no choice but to reveal and liberate, and act upon, completely and with perfection, her deepest, most hidden desires, even though she might in misery, scorn herself for possessing them."
Althouse said: "Being prepared to fight in defense when someone comes at you in a violent way is not sex and not inappropriate violence."
The heckler's approach was not violent. Rice's face registers this instantly and so does her response, turning her back. The officers actions are appropriate to the level of disturbance that she created: They hauled her out of the room.
She was courageous Ann. She found a high-impact (but not especially creative) way to confront a wrong-doer who will otherwise never be truly held accountable, and then she followed through. I saw viewpoint-neutral coverage of the event on every single online news source that I consult.
Your real problem is with her message, which was blunt and incontrovertible. You have no substantive response, and you hold very different views, so instead you endorse fantasies of mysogynistic violence against her. That's really great.
I never should have made the passive-aggressive charge. By its nature, this type of claim is more difficult to support, and I don't want to get that personal.
perfecthair said... "She was courageous Ann. She found a high-impact (but not especially creative) way to confront a wrong-doer who will otherwise never be truly held accountable, and then she followed through."
She was being pompous and self-righteous, and so are you unless your tongue was planted firmly in your cheek when you wrote that this malcontent "confront[ed] a wrong-doer who will otherwise never be truly held accountable...."
PerfectHair, What do you mean my "claims"? I told you what my opinion of this woman and people who spout ludicrous nonsense such as defending her for having "confront[ed] a wrong-doer who will otherwise never be truly held accountable." Those are interpretative statements rather than factual claims, so requires no proof, except to the extent that I'm attributing them to someone, and since I'm attributing them to myself, I can tell you that you can take my word for it that that's my opinion. The only thing that would require "back[ing] up" would be disputable claims about facts (such as whether the woman was there in the first place).
"There are many things, clever, subtle exciting things a girl may do with such a chain; some of thse were shown to me, and others I invented, sharing them with other girls at the tavern. One thing that was shown to me was the slave bridle; the male takes the light chain back between the teeth of the girl and holds it, together behind her neck, thus, too, pinning her hands there, helplessly; he then contols her by means of the bridle; my own invention was the chain kiss; one clasps the leg with the chain against the interior of the thigh, and then, from the side of the knee, one begins to kiss the leg, one's lips and teeth hot about the chain; the male feels both the chain and her mouth, biting and kissing, climbing the chain; she climbs the chain and descends it, and climbs it again, until he orders her to leave it." (Slave Girls of Gor, John Norman)
Simon, come on, you can google a little and find this out for yourself, can't you? Here's Dennis Miller a year ago, on Hannity and Colmes, describing Pelosi as the "nosy neighbor on Bewitched" (you didn't grow up on that. She was a shrewish busybody -- a female stereotype). He goes on to say Pelosi is so dumb she'd be fired from Mary Kay after a month. He refers to her "little Chanel suits" and calls her a "saucer-eyed version of Benazir Bhutto." The president, on her becoming speaker, said he's sent her the names of some interior decorators. It's all about her appearance, in feminized, belittling terms. If Hillary's not shrill, she's strident. Jeez, Simon, gimme a break.
I'm not meaning to quibble, and I'm sure you could be right, but with that said...
All that serious stuff aside, I'm reading this and hearing Sir Humphrey and having a wonderful laugh. I hope you know when I "jeez, Simon" you that it's with mock dismay, and friendly affection.
Beth, I never really make fun of sincere people, only the pompous ones. We kid because we love baby. You are one pretty cool feminist. Wanna be my Amazon sidekick while we cruise the slave girls of Gor. Xenia and Herc on the prowl.
El Presidente, you can quote that english dude all you want, just lay off the classic works of John Norman, HR Haggard, Robert E. Howard and Rudyard Kipling.
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Yeah, that'll teach her! Bloody hands and pink tutus on sack-breasted screeching women! Everyone will be behind us now, the whole country will see!
I've always been impressed by her presence of mind and the clear power of her intellect. I think this is a sign of someone truly able to think ten times faster than normal people that she can see this situation as it develops and decide on a proper reaction faster than most of use would be able to even know something is happening. Wow.
Yeah, but she's certainly not the 'smartest woman in America' Right?
As much as I admire the Secretary of State, I am afraid that the only thing that would truly startle her is a fully erect penis. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I guess it's all in the presentation after all.
Why weren't they tasered?
I'm glad we have a Secretary of State who has had personal experience with terrorism...
"I remember the bombing of that Sunday School at 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham in 1963. I did not see it happen, but I heard it happen, and I felt it happen, just a few blocks away at my father’s church. It is a sound that I will never forget, that will forever reverberate in my ears. That bomb took the lives of four young girls, including my friend and playmate, Denise McNair. The crime was calculated to suck the hope out of young lives, bury their aspirations. But those fears were not propelled forward, those terrorists failed."
Vanderbilt University, May 13, 2004
I used to like Condi more than recently. Have have been surprised by her recent pandering to various ME leaders attempting to move an Israeli-Palestinian peace process forward, when there clearly are not 2 committed sides interested in peace.
A stiff prick would do Condi a world of good. Too close to hysteria, that gal.
Peewee: [Overhearing what Joey says Turkey about the Baldies] Hey, Terror! This guy just said we look like a bunch of pricks with ears!
Joey: [Terror and the rest of the Baldies walk toward Joey] I didn't say that! I didn't say that!
Peewee: Oh yeah! What did you say?
Joey: I said, uh, you guys look like a bunch of, uh, ears without pricks!
[Takes off running with the Baldies in pursuit]
(The Wanderers 1979)
Is it just me, or does the whole thing look like an SNL skit starring Maya Rudolph as both Secretary Rice and the protester?
A woman of many talents. I'm betting that she can eat corn on the cob through a picket fence too.
The rumor is that she prefers rice and beans.
Was that Squeaky Fromme in the second row?
Time to class up the joint with a bit of Trooper's schtick:
Queen Elizabeth:
O thou well skilled in curses, stay awhile
And teach me how to curse mine enemies!
Queen Margaret:
Forbear to sleep the nights, and fast the days;
Compare dead happiness with living woe;
Think that thy babes were sweeter than they were
And he that slew them fouler than he is:
Bett'ring thy loss makes the bad causer worse;
Revolving this will teach thee how to curse.
Queen Elizabeth: My words are dull. O, quicken them with thine!
Queen Margaret:
Thy woes will make them sharp and pierce like mine.
Why should calamity be full of words?
Queen Elizabeth:
Windy attorneys to their client woes,
Airy succeeders of intestate joys,
Poor breathing orators of miseries,
Let them have scope! Though what they will impart
Help nothing else, yet do they ease the heart.
If so, then be not tongue-tied: go with me,
And in the breath of bitter words let's smother
My damned son that thy two sweet sons smothered.
The trumpet sounds. Be copious in exclaims.
Enter King Richard and his train,
Marching with drums and trumpets
King Richard:Who intercepts me in my expedition?
O, she that might have intercepted thee,
By strangling thee in her accursed womb,
From all the slaughters (wretch!) that thou hast done!
King Richard:
A flourish, trumpets! Strike alarum, drums!
Let not the heavens hear these tell-tale women
Rail on the Lord's anointed. Strike, I say!
[Flourish. Alarums]
Either be patient and entreat me fair,
Or with the clamorous report of war
Thus will I drown your exclamations.
Richard III, Act IV, Scene 4
Might as well close out Mom's last words to Richard:
Duchess:Hear me a word;
For I shall never speak to thee again.
King Richard:So.
Either thou wilt die by God's just ordinance
Ere from this war thou turn a conqueror;
Or I with grief and extreme age shall perish
And never more behold thy face again.
Therefore take with thee my most grievous curse,
Which in the day of battle tire thee more
Than all the complete armor that thou wear'st!
My prayers on the adverse party fight,
And there the little souls of Edward's children
Whisper the spirits of thine enemies
And promise them success and victory!
Bloody thou art, bloody will be thy end;
Shame serves thy life and doth thy death attend.
O, ho! Invoking Will and countering man's flourish and alarums with copious exclamation and clamorosity.
As long as (Shakespeare notwithstanding) the comments here are tasteless, I'll wonder if the protester recently had her hands in her underwear.
Dude the comments aren't tasteless, they just taste funky. As the great James Brown once intoned: I don't care what ya do, just so long as you make it funky.
Stiff pricks and "screeching" women. Another Althouse contribution to gendered analysis. Keepin' it classy, Ann!
Hey those are great names for two teams we have posting here. Can we get T-shirts.
I'll add that I was impressed at the volume of the protestor and was wondering if she wore a microphone. Great vocal projection if not.
The clip was pretty disturbing to me as the woman got within inches of Rice before she was even noticed. This story would have been quite different if the woman had been wielding a knife rather than only bloody hands. I think a security review of her detail is in order.
This story would have been quite different if the woman had been wielding a knife rather than only bloody hands.
Capitol screeners are better than TSA. It would be hard to get that far with a knife. That said, that's not much comfort if the protestor were to throw a good punch.
Protester says, "You're hurting me! What are you doing? What are you doing?"
Rice turns away and says, "Yes I am (garbled) Right. Oh yeah, how are you, yeah, it's great to see you, thank you."
Good, but not as good as,
"Don't tase me bro!"
Figure skaters don't startle easily. They do, however, often display too much tootie.
Condi must be shockproof.
Mark Daniels
Beth said...
"Stiff pricks and 'screeching' women. Another Althouse contribution to gendered analysis. Keepin' it classy, Ann!"
I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that those contributions to gendered analysis were from comments left at the Althouse blog by people other than Althouse, and that being deemed sufficiently tolerable by Althouse as not to be deleted is far from being endorsed by Althouse.
It's her prior training as a concert pianist, that you're seeing there.
"I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that those contributions to gendered analysis were from comments left at the Althouse blog by people other than Althouse, and that being deemed sufficiently tolerable by Althouse as not to be deleted is far from being endorsed by Althouse."
Thanks. It's very much the way I'm treated on places like Instaputz. It really seems to be liberals who think it's okay to attack women by saying they need to have sex. I hope Beth is noticing that.
I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that if the Althouse blog is to truly be Felliniesque, we need to have various types’of misshapen and distorted imagery including sexual and scatological elements which might be disturbing to some readers. However I would like to make it clear that I did not in any way want to denigrate or attack woman as there is nothing I love more in this world. In particular I hope my gentle and feeble witticisms did not imply any negative connotations toward Sapphic love as it is indeed a beautiful, beautiful thing and does indeed comprise a significant portion of my private DVD collection. All the best ladies.
She's got balls of steel, that one.
Frankly, if some nut bag like the code pinkers ever did that to me, I would have just punched that moron in the face and been done with it.
That clip is fantastic. I won't say I laughed out loud, but it was worth a chuckle. Love the protesters' toddler body language too.
Well if torture doesn't bother her, why would this?
Naw, don't punch. Don't use your bare hands to fight unless you're naked and they've nailed your feet to the floor.
A chair to the face will give anyone pause; if nothing else, grab one of the desk phones and use it as a bludgeon. Of course, it's always best to trip and then go for the kidneys; I bet she's wearing heels, and you could do some real damage with those. Oooooh, yeah.
balfegor: Yeah, I noticed that. Apparently they're so overcome with emotion that they've regressed to an earlier mental state.
I have to say, though, it must be nice to let yourself go like that. To so completely and totally put all responsibility in the hands of another. I can't help but feel that these women have been ill-served by the feminist movement; they've been told that they're strong and intellectual and independent, and they really aren't. What they need is to have someone be In Control; not necessarily manipulative or domineering, but clearly the Alpha Figure in their lives.
halojenes you have it upside-down. if there were more people like that in this country this pointless war never would have started.
but keep on calling names, and don't stop with the misogyny either--nice and simple. those are easy ways out for a coward and you make it easy for everybody to figure you out.
Ann, I don't know who all on this thread is liberal. I wouldn't have pegged ricpic that way, but I'll have to assume you keep track.
Simon, cut that comment down to 10 words or less, and it could hang over the entrance to the Althouse Vortex.
To me, she looked disappointed. As if she were thinking "Oh jeez..not this again."
And for a woman who has overseen so much horrific behavior and been complicit in such tragic lies, I imagine she would have to completely numb herself out to stuff like this. How else could she sleep at night? I almost feel sorry for her (maybe it's because I want to believe that deep down she is good and moral?) but then I have to remind myself that she has made all these choices herself and no one has had a gun to her head.
What a sad, sad, life.
" It really seems to be liberals who think it's okay to attack women by saying they need to have sex. "
....and don't forget that the "sack-breasted screeching women" could really use a closed-fist", " desk phone [used] as a bludgeon" or a "chair", anything the let her know who's "In Control".
and you, Ann, in your own passive-aggressive way, are condoning this. violence is probably the only thing that you can imagine for this person who mustered more courage than than you will ever have.
i am pleased that we have a right-wing wacko here at the UW to offset Kevin Barrett. you're in good company!
I don't care a whit what startles her. I care more about what she thinks about after. Clearly not much.
Ann Althouse said...
"It really seems to be liberals who think it's okay to attack women by saying they need to have sex."
I hope you are kidding Althouse. Very serious. I do hope you are saying that tongue in check.
Beth: "Ann, I don't know who all on this thread is liberal. I wouldn't have pegged ricpic that way, but I'll have to assume you keep track."
I was going by the fact that the attack was on Rice.
perfecthair said..."" It really seems to be liberals who think it's okay to attack women by saying they need to have sex." ...and don't forget that the "sack-breasted screeching women" could really use a closed-fist", " desk phone [used] as a bludgeon" or a "chair", anything the let her know who's "In Control"." and you, Ann, in your own passive-aggressive way, are condoning this. violence is probably the only thing that you can imagine for this person who mustered more courage than than you will ever have."
Being prepared to fight in defense when someone comes at you in a violent way is not sex and not inappropriate violence. And coming at someone in an aggressively violent way is not admirable "courage." And not spending more time moderating comments is not "passive-aggressive." So have you said anything worthwhile?
hdhouse said...""It really seems to be liberals who think it's okay to attack women by saying they need to have sex." I hope you are kidding Althouse. Very serious. I do hope you are saying that tongue in check."
In this thread, it was said against Rice, so I take it as the liberal voice. I see myself attacked myself only by liberals.
Althouse: then let me correct you. It appears you assign a Darwinian hierarchy/classification to posters on the "liberal boards" as well as some here (as many do who post here) starting with "liberal" or "conservative" instead of ending your characteristic profile with "appears to be liberal or appears to be a conservative" even if that were necessary at all. In this particular case - Condi, the references were tasteless and boorish and had no place. The gross generalization that "liberals appear to be the only ones who attack me in this way" (paraphrased) assigns liberals as a first characteristic instead of fools, knaves, sexist pigs, slugs, etc.
This liberal has never attacked you in a personal way and frankly has been supportive or at least openminded to your views. But I have done so as a thinking person first and not as a liberal first.
However, there is now a very real slant on this blog that casts people ... particularly liberals, as everything from traitors to sexist adversaries. That is highly offensive.
I will miss this board and the fun of the interaction. But all good things must come to and end and this has for me. Time for me to find a different playground.
Bye all.
What the hell? You weren't the one who said Rice needed to have sex, were you? My observation is that these days, that old-fashioned taunt comes from liberals attacking women they perceive as conservative. Why are you perceiving that as an attack on you? That's just weird.
Beth - I think it kinda scans if you imagine it being read by Sir Humphrey. ;)
Harry, if a leftosphere blogger wrote "it mainly seems to be conservatives who attack me," regardless of whether the statement is true, would it be legitimate for any specific conservative to feel personally aggrieved and rejoin that "this conservative has never attacked you in a personal way"? Do you dispute that the vast majority of the anti-Althousiana -- not all, to be sure, but while Ann has critics on the right, few of them suffer from the ADS of her lefty critics -- are denizens of the leftosphere? Do you deny that they tend to attack in an personal, sexualized manner using crude gender stereotypes that one would expect feminists to decry? Come off it. You've been here long enough to know better. Ann didn't say that all liberals are guilty by association, only that she "see[s] [her]self attacked ... only by liberals," an observation which seems generally true.
"Beth - I think it kinda scans if you imagine it being read by Sir Humphrey. ;)"
This may be the key to understanding all of Simon's writing...
The gross generalization that "liberals appear to be the only ones who attack me in this way" (paraphrased) assigns liberals as a first characteristic instead of fools, knaves, sexist pigs, slugs, etc.
Coming from the guy who labels conservatives as wingnuts, uber alles wing of the GOP and brownshirts, this comment is particularly rich.
I will miss this board and the fun of the interaction. But all good things must come to and end and this has for me. Time for me to find a different playground.\
Wyatt Earp: I just want you to know its over between us.
Curly Bill: Well…..bye
Johnny Ringo: Smell that Bill? Smells like someone died.
Curly Bill: Jesus Johnny….
(Tombstone, 1993)
Johnny: How many men have you forgotten?
Vienna: As many women as you've remembered.
Johnny: Don't go away.
Vienna: I haven't moved.
Johnny: Tell me something nice.
Vienna: Sure, what do you want to hear?
Johnny: Lie to me. Tell me all these years you've waited. Tell me.
Vienna: [without feeling] All those years I've waited.
Johnny: Tell me you'd a-died if I hadn't come back.
Vienna: [without feeling] I woulda died if you hadn't come back.
Johnny: Tell me you still love me like I love you.
Vienna: [without feeling] I still love you like you love me.
Johnny: [bitterly] Thanks. Thanks a lot.
(Johnny Guitar 1954)
Ann - aspirationally a Sir Humphrey, perhaps, but I think some of my detractors might say that I'd be lucky if I was a Bernard. ;)
Ann, that assumption makes no sense to me. Obviously, and we've had past conversations about this, there are liberal men who use sexism behind a veil of irony. You and I are mutually disgusted by them. But that doesn't support assuming the "she needs a stiff prick" comments in this thread are from liberals, and drawing the conclusion that it's liberals who mainly use sexism to attack women. For starters, it ignores reams of comments on your site from conservative men in exactly the same vein. Go troll through the Jessica Valenti threads of old if you need a refresher. That vortex led straight to the sewer and conservative male commenters swarmed it like rats.
Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you my friend will see
You've got a friend in me
(you've got a friend in me)
Ben, you're always running here and there
(here and there)
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's something you should know
You've got a place to go
(you've got a place to go)
I used to say, I and me
Now it's us, now it's we
(I used to say, I and me)
(now it's us, now it's we)
Ben, most people would turn you away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again
If they had a friend like Ben
(a friend)
Like Ben
(like Ben)
Like Ben
(Michael Jackson, Ben 1972)
I'm truly startled that I can't get the video to download, so must guess the contents.
But whatever that was, it's not half as stimulating as a photo of your Condi in last week's British Sunday papers showing her dressed as a grid-iron gal, complete with 'balls of steel' helmet and 'let's go tackle' smile.
The profile contained:
'She dated some fooballers early in her career, but they weren't her intellectual equal so were dropped.'
How weird is that?
Or priceless:
'Rumours of lesbianism are unfounded.'
Just imagine how much data you'd have to collect to make that assertion!
Well the dumpster divers at the National Enquirer did not find even one empty tuna can in her trash and the latest profile in House and Garden showed that her carpets are indeed in pristine condition, so it is quite true that we must consider these scurrilous rumors as unfounded. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I've gotta go with Beth on this: Although many comments I've read/heard about the Secretary of State's sexuality or appearance are generated by liberal guys trying to get away with a sexist remark under the guise of politics, the remarks in this thread were made by guys I usually don't associate with being liberals.
P.S. And although I'm laughing at Trooper York's comments until the ginger ale that I'm drinking comes out my nose, at the same time I'm thinking, disappointedly: "Sure, go right for the appearance and the lesbian jokes."
Sorry Melinda I'm just a dick. But since I am half Irish, not a stiff one.
I'm certainly willing to concede that conservative guys make sexist comments, but:
1. I think conservatives don't attack Rice. (Could be wrong.)
2. I think liberals think somehow they are allowed when they are attacking conservative women. Conservatives don't have this particular delusion.
Teacher, we kidd because we love, we kidd because we love.
Spelled that way because we like the double D.
Conservatives don't have this particular delusion.
Ann, do you think they have the more parallel delusion, that it's okay for conservatives to use sexism in making fun of liberal women? I do. How hard do you think it is to find sexist comments by conservatives about Hillary Clinton, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Nancy Pelosi, or any feminist leader whose name is in the news?
"They cannot even speak Gorean," said the man beside me.
"Barbarians," I said.
"Yes," he said. The girl had spoken in English. This had confirmed my surmise as to their origin. I had come to Seibar's market out of curiosity. I had heard he was the major dealer in Kailiauk for barbarian slaves. I did not know, but I suspected that he himself was not in league with Kurii, but merely purchased wholesale lots of such girls from one or more of their agents. Such girls, I gathered, from my conversations with the teamster with whom I had ridden to Fort Haskins, were sold at various points along the perimeter. I had, earlier in the afternoon, on one of my purchased kaiila, scouted the terrain north and south of Kailiauk. In my ride I had come to one place, sheltered among small hills, in which I had found scorched grass and several, rounded six-inch-deep impressions in the earth. It had been there, I speculated, that one of the steel ships of the Kurii had landed. Also there were wagon tracks leading away from the area, toward Kailiauk. I was less fortunate, at various small camps and outlying farms, in obtaining information as to the possible whereabouts of a white trader named Grunt. I did not approach the Ihanke, nor did I wish to do so, if possible, until I knew exactly what I was doing. I did not know, for example, even if it were guarded or not.
"Even if such girls understood Gorean," said the fellow next to me, amused, "they could probably not even understand what was required of them. They probably do not even know the hundred kisses."
"They could be taught," I said.
"That is so," he laughed.
(Slave Girls of Gor, John Norman)
Beth said...
"Ann, do you think they have the more parallel delusion, that it's okay for conservatives to use sexism in making fun of liberal women? I do. How hard do you think it is to find sexist comments by conservatives about Hillary Clinton, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Nancy Pelosi, or any feminist leader whose name is in the news?"
I'm not meaning to quibble, and I'm sure you could be right, but with that said, I can't think of a single example off the top of my head - what did you have in mind? Certainly there are derisory comments made about Pelosi, for example, or Clinton, but I can't think of sexist examples of a kind with those mentioned above.
"She fell to kissing me, with the lascivious, wanton joy of the slave girl, given no choice but to reveal and liberate, and act upon, completely and with perfection, her deepest, most hidden desires, even though she might in misery, scorn herself for possessing them."
( Marauders of Gor, John Norman)
Althouse said: "Being prepared to fight in defense when someone comes at you in a violent way is not sex and not inappropriate violence."
The heckler's approach was not violent. Rice's face registers this instantly and so does her response, turning her back. The officers actions are appropriate to the level of disturbance that she created: They hauled her out of the room.
She was courageous Ann. She found a high-impact (but not especially creative) way to confront a wrong-doer who will otherwise never be truly held accountable, and then she followed through. I saw viewpoint-neutral coverage of the event on every single online news source that I consult.
Your real problem is with her message, which was blunt and incontrovertible. You have no substantive response, and you hold very different views, so instead you endorse fantasies of mysogynistic violence against her. That's really great.
I never should have made the passive-aggressive charge. By its nature, this type of claim is more difficult to support, and I don't want to get that personal.
perfecthair said...
"She was courageous Ann. She found a high-impact (but not especially creative) way to confront a wrong-doer who will otherwise never be truly held accountable, and then she followed through."
She was being pompous and self-righteous, and so are you unless your tongue was planted firmly in your cheek when you wrote that this malcontent "confront[ed] a wrong-doer who will otherwise never be truly held accountable...."
please back up your claims.
What do you mean my "claims"? I told you what my opinion of this woman and people who spout ludicrous nonsense such as defending her for having "confront[ed] a wrong-doer who will otherwise never be truly held accountable." Those are interpretative statements rather than factual claims, so requires no proof, except to the extent that I'm attributing them to someone, and since I'm attributing them to myself, I can tell you that you can take my word for it that that's my opinion. The only thing that would require "back[ing] up" would be disputable claims about facts (such as whether the woman was there in the first place).
"There are many things, clever, subtle exciting things a girl may do with such a chain; some of thse were shown to me, and others I invented, sharing them with other girls at the tavern. One thing that was shown to me was the slave bridle; the male takes the light chain back between the teeth of the girl and holds it, together behind her neck, thus, too, pinning her hands there, helplessly; he then contols her by means of the bridle; my own invention was the chain kiss; one clasps the leg with the chain against the interior of the thigh, and then, from the side of the knee, one begins to kiss the leg, one's lips and teeth hot about the chain; the male feels both the chain and her mouth, biting and kissing, climbing the chain; she climbs the chain and descends it, and climbs it again, until he orders her to leave it."
(Slave Girls of Gor, John Norman)
Simon, come on, you can google a little and find this out for yourself, can't you? Here's Dennis Miller a year ago, on Hannity and Colmes, describing Pelosi as the "nosy neighbor on Bewitched" (you didn't grow up on that. She was a shrewish busybody -- a female stereotype). He goes on to say Pelosi is so dumb she'd be fired from Mary Kay after a month. He refers to her "little Chanel suits" and calls her a "saucer-eyed version of Benazir Bhutto." The president, on her becoming speaker, said he's sent her the names of some interior decorators. It's all about her appearance, in feminized, belittling terms. If Hillary's not shrill, she's strident. Jeez, Simon, gimme a break.
you are right. i responded hastilu and "claims" was the wrong word. you didn't really offer any claims, just opinions.
would you care to develop a reasoned response, or is name-calling good enough for you?
I'm not meaning to quibble, and I'm sure you could be right, but with that said...
All that serious stuff aside, I'm reading this and hearing Sir Humphrey and having a wonderful laugh. I hope you know when I "jeez, Simon" you that it's with mock dismay, and friendly affection.
Sorry Melinda I'm just a dick. But since I am half Irish, not a stiff one.
Trooper, you have a masterful command of the timing and self-deprecation. Just when I think "what a tool," you cheerfully call yourself out.
Oh, and Perfecthair "She was courageous Ann."
I'd like to see her try that shit on me, now that would be courageous.
She would get the full Oscar Elias Biscet treatment.
Not to step on Trooper's toes, but:
Here's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.
MacBeth, Act V, Scene I.
Beth, I never really make fun of sincere people, only the pompous ones. We kid because we love baby. You are one pretty cool feminist. Wanna be my Amazon sidekick while we cruise the slave girls of Gor. Xenia and Herc on the prowl.
El Presidente, you can quote that english dude all you want, just lay off the classic works of John Norman, HR Haggard, Robert E. Howard and Rudyard Kipling.
Trooper, I guess that makes you Herc, huh? But what would Xena do without Gabrielle?
Hey, Gabrielle will always be welcome. There's always room for one more. The little minx.
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