September 3, 2007

Readers, commenters...

Do you think we could get together a group meet-up here in Brooklyn?


sean said...


Ann Althouse said...

Great. What kind of numbers do we have here? And propose places in the Brooklyn Heights area.

Unknown said...

Sounds lovely. I hear the Atlantic Chip Shop is nice this time of year!

dave™© said...

I can't make it, but I think Simels is going in my place...

Anonymous said...

You never did this in Chicago. A pox on your rented apartment...

AllenS said...

Some of us can't make it. But, it sure would be nice if you could post some pictures.

rhhardin said...

Very selective though. You don't get people who'd rather stay home with the dog. So you get a slanted view, by not including those who are not socially oriented.

And comments are not meeting?

The question comes up, which one is real.

Ann Althouse said...

We can still do Chicago sometime. We never did Madison! Or Milwaukee....

Hey, dave™©'s back!

hdhouse said...

I'd love to come but I won't if too many people object.

Gedaliya said...

I wouldn't object if you came to the gathering.

Ann Althouse said...

You're all welcome. The key is that Palladian must come. And it must be in Brooklyn. Near or in the Heights.

Simon said...

I second the Chicago proposal!

Harry, I won't be in attendance at this one (damned geography... ), but I'd certainly hope that you would come along to a meetup. Just my $0.02.

tom faranda said...

How about a trip into the Hudson Valley (uhhh, where I live)? It's beautiful in the fall. Can do a walk in the Hudson highlands.

Tim said...

No can do - which makes it exceedingly easy for me to not oppose hdhouse's attendance...

Ruth Anne Adams said...
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Palladian said...

hdhouse, you'd be welcome in my book. I think it would actually do a lot for the general civility of the conversation here if readers of all political stripes would come and meet each other. I mean, who wouldn't want to meet dave™©? Too bad he can't make it. Simels is but a wan reflection of the majesty of dave™©, but I bet even Simels would enjoy himself.

Someone has to pick a place.

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Cricket said...

You're all welcome.

Oh boy! I'll bring AJD!!

Tank said...

I'll come if you can arrange the weather to be as great as this past weekend.

Best holiday weather ever.

Jeff with one 'f' said...

I'll represent North Brooklyn.

MadisonMan said...

I hope the event is simul-blogged.

katiebakes said...

I would love to come. I had a great time at the last meet-up in downtown Manhattan!

Melinda said...

I'm in!

I'm in lower Manhattan and not too familiar with great places in Brooklyn Heights, but this time let's get food that has more protein content than Goldfish crackers.

hdhouse said...

i'm only familiar with restaurants around flatbush and grand army..that has good subway transit (2&3&4) at least...I don't know the stops in the heights but perhaps that could be taken into account in the planning as parking is tough as is traffic.

Richard Dolan said...

Sounds good to me. Indoors or outside? If the weather stays nice, a BYO meet-up at BB Park early in the evening would be nice. If the preference is for an indoors place that serves drinks, there are a number of cafes/bars on Montague St., along Atlantic Ave., and in the North Heights. I don't frequent any of them, and so can't make a recommendation. Max recommended the Atlantic Chip Shop, and I suppose that would work as well as any other place.

Ann Althouse said...

You can't bring alcohol into Brooklyn Bridge Park. How about the Heights Café on Montague Street? It's got a great outdoor seating area.

Richard Dolan said...

Hts Cafe sounds fine.

Trooper York said...

Last Exit on Atlantic...owned by the same people who own the Flying Saucer...bring your own food...just grab some great Arab bakery products from Damascus Bakery up the block or even pizza...pretty good martini's and couches and setee's to lounge and opine upon....

Anonymous said...

After you visit Ruth Anne and Amba, you'll have to come to LA. "The Althouse Tour"!

Have fun, guys.

Ann Althouse said...

Last Exit sounds like an excellent choice. I looked at their website, a map, and this. Plus, Trooper York seems to know his way around.

Unknown said...

Yeah, Last Exit is great but, just so everyone is clear, it's a dive bar. There aren't really tables and it can get loud sometimes but might not be bad if we go earlier. Also, the art work in there right now is kind of offensive. Heights Cafe is good too, though I've found the food disappointing. Maybe I'm ordering poorly. I suggested Atlantic Chip Shop because it seems like a good halfway point between a restaurant and a bar, and they always get voted best fish and chips in the city. It may be hard to get a large group in there, however. So we have the spectrum covered from dive to pub to proper restaurant. Thoughts?

Ann Althouse said...

Max, thanks, yeah, I don't like the bring-your-own-food part, and we can't have it too noisy. The Chip Shop looks like a great choice, and it's in the same area on Atlantic, which I think is easy to travel too.

hdhouse said...

I've been there and the food is really good. great choice. i think borough hall station is only a few blocks so easy easy that way..


Trooper York said...

I agree with definitely is a dive bar...if we started early we could just let it deteriorate as the night goes on and it would be loud enough to let us have a soft an alternative there is a new wine bar on Henry around Amity which has tapa's...also the old Cousins which is now called the downtown grill is dying for business and would be very helpful ( on Court and Amity)....if we are going more restaurant then I would suggest Pete's Waterfront Ale House which has a better menu than the chip house and depending on the numbers should work out just's just that my first alternative is alway's a dive bar...sorry!

Richard Dolan said...

A noisy dive bar seems like the perfect choice for a different event. I'd go with the Chip Shop and, as second choice, either Cousins or the Ale House.

Unknown said...

I don't think there will be too many of us, so let's go ahead and do the chip shop! Any thoughts on a date?

Ann Althouse said...

I have a time and place, but you have to email me at my address (annalthouse) to get it. I don't want to put up an announcement on the blog itself.