৬ আগস্ট, ২০০৭

Did she pull "a Britney" or "a Natalie"?

I don't know but I think she looks great.

১৭টি মন্তব্য:

Jennifer বলেছেন...

Definitely "a Natalie". She looks great!

Bissage বলেছেন...

Had I the talent, I'd photoshop sunglasses onto this little cutie.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

What hideous clothes. Camo sweatshirts look good on no one.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Hmm. I can't agree. I mean, she doesn't look bad, but I can't agree she looks great. I think you are all under the distorting influence caused by the fact that her male companion is wearing shorts.

Smilin' Jack বলেছেন...

Loved the designation "American beauty star." We used to have movie stars who could act, now it's totally about how they look.

Not that I'm going to complain about looking at Mena....

Ruth Anne Adams বলেছেন...

What? No tag for "celebritneys"?

Dent বলেছেন...

smilin' jack - she was the star of "American Beauty"

Galvanized বলেছেন...

Surely she knew she would be mistaken for Britney. Though Natalie Portman (the new Audrey Hepburn) plays it off a lot better, this isn't too bad.

ìgbàlonígbàńlò বলেছেন...

One of the most entertaining things about this blog is how personal preferences in grooming, fashion etc are so quickly extended into generalizations.

By the way I've always wondered why in caucasian grooming/fashion, hair matters a great deal? it's an innocent question no snark intended, i'm not from here hence my curiousity.

ricpic বলেছেন...

There's something radically and irretrievably screwed up about a mentally forty twenty year old. No matter how gifted with beauty, their internal clock is wound too tight. These socially super precocious types more often than not are burnt out cases by thirty.

Revenant বলেছেন...

she was the star of "American Beauty"

Calling her a "star" of any kind is stretching it. She was a supporting actress in "American Beauty" and "American Pie", but hasn't been in anything significant or successful since then.

She's attractive and a decent actress, but a star? Eh.

Smilin' Jack বলেছেন...

smilin' jack - she was the star of "American Beauty"

Yeah, they didn't capitalize "beauty," so I missed that it was a movie title reference.

But Kevin Spacey was the star of "American Beauty;" Mena Suvari was the eye candy, which is consistent with my point.

. বলেছেন...

considering a new look?

re mena: calling her a decent actress is stretching it

Joachim Arnerholm বলেছেন...

As a kind of middleaged guy with a receeding hairline, I have contemplated shaving all of it off. But I want to find a smooth skull underneath! Not a dimplely golfball kind of a skull, eww! On the other hand I can understand women who have bleached, colored, curled and straightened their hair beyond repair starting over from nothing. I should be so lucky...

jeff বলেছেন...

Mena Suvari is either the ugliest hot girl or the hottest ugly girl I ever saw. I just can't figure out which. She's kind of like the Seinfeld two face girl.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Women are nurturers...this is some more proof. And so I shall destroy feminism (see below).


" I'm going to get my ankles fixed. Maybe I'll be able to walk again. Maybe I'll lose some weight -that'll be good. But before that,I wanted to say this:
You ladies on this Board do NOT belong. You are NURTURERS by nature,NOT politicians.
And you who call yourself men ? You're PUSSIES,too afraid to go to the bathroom,the little boy's room,without your female colleagues' OK.
If you all dont get off your cushy tushies and behave like the women and men you really are,
our world will only get worse.

And,by the way,most niggers are really fine people. It's just that you feminists have CONFUSED the HELL out of us all - including them.

Galvanized বলেছেন...

Pahaha, Jeff, the two-faced girlfriend is a Seinfeld classic. *snort*