১৭ জুলাই, ২০০৭

The "Obama Girl" guy.

He's Ben Relles, from Madison.
Relles, who was born in Madison, grew up in Philadelphia and got an undergrad degree from UW-Madison in 1997, said what most people want to know first is whether the Obama campaign has anything to do with the videos (it doesn't). Relles is related to one of the founders of the famed early 1970s Madison comedy troupe Kentucky Fried Theatre and traces his own comic instincts to his time at UW-Madison. "Humor is a huge part of the culture on campus," he said....

He says the ultimate goal is simple: He wants barelypolitical.com to be the Web site people turn to first for political humor. If that involves models and pillow fights and fame and fortune, well, old school or new school, somebody has to do it.

৪টি মন্তব্য:

lurker2209 বলেছেন...

Interesting, because if you look over the website, it comes across as the home of a group of overly enthusiastic Obama supporters. It's not immediately obvious that the t-shirts and such are sold for profit, not campaign donations, for example. If they want to be seen as a neutral source of comedy, I think they're going to have to reposition themselves a bit.

lee david বলেছেন...

They have a long way to go to catch up with Jib Jab.

paul a'barge বলেছেন...

Geez, what is it with Democrats? Are they completely and hopelessly soy-ridden, testosterone-free zones?

I mean the "Obama Girl" is a guy, and Obama himself if elected will be the first female president. Edwards is the Breck Girl.

Don't these folks have anyone with a shred of masculinity in their club? Or have they all be so emasculated by their feminist masters that they can't find their testicles with binoculars?

Jaime বলেছেন...

Hi! Greetings from Spain. Very nice and very cool video. Fantastic and incredible. And great imagination, too. Congratulations girls. Here, in my country our video is very famous (you’re even in the national news, girls). I hope you the best. Thanks for a great thing. Keep on fighting, beautiful girl. God bless you, and Obama too. Bye.
