December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve.

It's the third Christmas Eve for this blog, and I was just looking back to see what I did last year for the occasion, and I see that I looked back to the previous year and saw that I decided to repeat this photo I put up the first time I blogged Christmas Eve:

There, now, it's definitely a tradition.

Which child is me? The more skeptical one.

ADDED: And remember Palladian's version?


Ruth Anne Adams said...

The Althouse tradition continues this year with my niece [she turns one in 4 days.]

Anonymous said...

Then you would be in the middle. Merry Christmas.

Goatwhacker said...

What is that in your right hand?

Ricardo said...

This is one of the top-five of you, that I've seen you put up. My favorite, however, is still you, the cat, and the milkbox in Delaware.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Hey! What happened to the squirrel that used to be on Dell's shoulder [courtesy of Palladian]?

Beth said...
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Beth said...
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Beth said...

Merry Christmas, everyone. This one is better than last year's so far. It's big news that the hardware store around the corner from our house sold out of Christmas tree stands; it means people are home in New Orleans and thinking about staying.

If you have a couple of minutes, check out a little clip at NBC News' video site, .

It does a nice job of capturing the neighborhoods and people of our city. I teared up several times, especially the scene with the guy on a bike.

Beth said...

Ok, I give up. I posted a link three times now, and deleted it twice when i came out wrong. But it looks fine in Preview, so I can't figure out the problem. Please excuse my dimwittedness. The story at NBC is headlined "Katrina Victims Find Reason to Rejoice."

tjl said...

Your link works jut fine, Elizabeth. Thanks for sharing your N.O. Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks Elizabeth! Worked for me.

(Now I wonder where Palladian has gone off too. Hasn't been seen around these parts much recently.)

Anonymous said...

The Santa looks like he could use a cocktail...made me think of David Sedaris' hilarious essays.

Beth said...

Merry Christmas to Palladian, whereever he is these days.

Beth said...

Thanks tjl and Ronin for giving that a look. I hope your holiday was wonderful.