১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০০৬

"He is my only child still living and I think of him as a gift from God."

"He is also the best memory I have left of my wife." Yohane Banda was too poor to take care of the child he says he loves and gave the child up to the "good lady," Madonna, who swept into Malawi to adopt a boy. If Madonna wanted to help, she could have simply given the man some money. Something tells me that in the end she will, but only after she tripped all over her own embarrassing desire to ooze with beneficence and maternal love. It's not so easy. Now, you look awful. The only way to extricate yourself is to leave the boy and a pile of money with Banda and fund some very substantial project to help a big group of children in Malawi.

৫টি মন্তব্য:

নামহীন বলেছেন...

How is this any different from Angelina Jolie adopting kids from third world countries? Or the tens of thousands of Americans who have adopted children from China.

This kid is one of the luckiest kids in the world if he gets Madonna as his mother. He just won the jackpot. Why is this even a story?

Revenant বলেছেন...

How is this any different from Angelina Jolie adopting kids from third world countries?

The children she adopted were orphans.

Headline Junky বলেছেন...

Sadly, little African kids have now become the latest fad for the jetset celebrity crowd, kind of like chihuahuas were a while back. The only difference is that when Paris Hilton loses interest in Tinkerbelle, she can always fob her off on some poor old Ft. Lauderdale granny. What happens when Madonna loses interest in her latest fashion accessory?

CM বলেছেন...

Without commenting on the trend of celebs adopting African kids, from the article, it sounds like Madonna probably didn't realize she was tearing this kid away from his father. The orphanage sent her a list of kids who needed to be adopted, which included David. The father told the orphanage David was entirely in their care, and later told Madonna personally that he was giving her his son. It sounds like later on, when he had a chance to think about what had happened, he realized that he had either made a mistake or had been pressured into giving up the baby. At this point, I agree that Madonna should rectify the situation, but from the facts given in the article I don't know if she could have been expected to know.

Robert Burnham বলেছেন...

Pleeeze, I'm trying to live the rest of my life without ever hearing or reading a reference to M*d*nn*. Others on this lifetime ban list are Br**k* Sh**lds and M*ch**l J*cks*n.

These people are just toxic -- it damages you to be reminded they even exist.

Enuff already!