February 9, 2006

82% of Americans approve of Bush.

Laura Bush. She's really popular.


goesh said...

she doesn't smirk and fumble her words like a certain other person does - you know darn well George spills food all over the table and himself most every meal and Laura graciously reminds him to wipe his chin

AllenS said...

"George, I many times do I have to tell you, don't wear brown shoes with your black suit!"

Word verification: quxxxo

Dirty quxxo.

J. Cricket said...

Since Laura Bush doesn't actually have a job, it is difficult to imagine how she could be doing it poorly.

goesh said...

I suspect her job is to direct George in the tasks of distinguishing his emotional states and reasoning to insure that he fully understands both and can properly align both, since most men have big problems in this area, myself included.

J. Cricket said...

In that case, she is failing miserably.

AlanDownunder said...

It's a sympathy vote.

Ann Althouse said...

George O: Read the linked article. Some First Ladies inspire antagonism -- for example, Nancy Reagan, Hillary Clinton.

J. Cricket said...

I did read the article, professor.

I thought comments were for our own thoughts. And my thought is that "First Lady" is not a job, so it makes no sense to say someone is doing it well or not.

Yes, others have provoked antagonism. So that means that Laura is bland. Yipee.

Also, her hubby's ratings are extremely low -- a fact you don't want to recognize.

So I'm with a landownerunder: it's a sympathy vote.

Meade said...

She'd make a great first lady president if Condi truly doesn't want to go first.

XWL said...


How dare you say anything nice about anyone with the last name Bush.

Don't you know he (he's so awful we can't ever name him) personally caused global warming, the Iraq War, the new Ken doll, and the increase in obesity nationwide?

Trying to thinkleft is hard, dirty work. I need a shower now.

Craig Ranapia said...

OK, GeorgeO. Perhaps I have a little more sympathy being a corporate spouse , and having the scar-tissue on the inside of my lip and hours of meaningless but pleasant small talk to go with it.

reader_iam said...

"First Lady" is not a job?

Sure as hell is work, though.

Mastiff said...

Q: How many unhinged liberals does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: That's not funny!!

Anonymous said...

What has she actually done? She'll probably be one of the least remembered first ladies ever.

Someone like Barbara Bush had a much larger presence than Laura.