December 1, 2005

We know the Oscar is phallic.

But could you tone it down a little bit?

ADDED: Via Oscar Watch.


bill said...

Oh my, that is too good.

This reminded me of a promotional photo sent out for the John Travolta movie, Broken Arrow. Is that a thermonuclear device in your pocket or are just happy to see me?

The Mechanical Eye said...

Austin Powers in Goldmember?

I'm sorry, I was too weak to resist that joke...

XWL said...

That image is screaming out for a little animated gif showing those hands working their way up and down that golden statuette.

(plus that image screams a few other things too, maybe they are anticipating a BIG night for Brokeback Mountain)

Anonymous said...
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Jeff with one 'f' said...

Sure, the human form is phallic.

Icepick said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Ron said...

Clearly a loser going all "All About Eve" with someone elses Little Gold Guy; winners have their "handler" to Oscar them off.

Ann Althouse said...

Quxxo: Stop wasting our time. You know what you did wrong. You're abusing the privilege of posting here.

XWL said...

Any speculation as to who belongs to those well manicured man hands clutching that OSCAR(TM)?

(A little wrinkling, but not too much, large but not huge, good tux but not too crazy, I'm guessing a director, not an actor, Rob Marshall maybe?)

The Drill SGT said...

Why stop at analysis of the male shot?

I can see the possibility of unnatural acts in the female shot was well.

Anonymous said...

I was up at the MPAA museum once and they let us hold one. It was quite...exciting!

Meade said...

You were excited. Think how little Oscar felt.

Anonymous said...

"Think how little Oscar felt."

I think I heard him say, "I feel"