৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০০৫

"The first job of a rock 'n' roll band is not to be dull."

Bono pretends to worry that U2 will kick him out of the band.

১৪টি মন্তব্য:

sonicfrog বলেছেন...

It's probably the picture with GW. that has the band upset. I'm leaving CPG 'cause the won't let me wear silly hats.

Steve S বলেছেন...

Reminds me of the Onion headline: "Rest of U2 Perfectly Fine with Starving Africans" (as I just noted on my blog)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Should Steve Jobs be worried?

Paul is a Hermit বলেছেন...

There's lots of room for them in the "If you can't feed them, don't have them" effort.

tiggeril বলেছেন...

Maybe Bono could take some time off and actually learn the economics behind the issue.


Verification word: aefqu- what I yell when someone cuts me off in traffic.

Eli Blake বলেছেন...

After being on of the 'Time' persons of the year?

In any other business, I'd say, 'no way,' they need the publicity. But with egos being as they often are in bands, well all I have to say is:

The only reason why egos like Lennon and McCartney stayed together as long as they did is they had the 'egoless glue' of a musician who was ultimately more talented than either of them named George Harrison.

And U-2 doesn't have a George Harrison.

Eli Blake বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি একটি ব্লগ প্রশাসক দ্বারা মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।
knox বলেছেন...


yes! George Harrison is the oft-ignored but best Beatle.

Frank from Delavan বলেছেন...

What's the difference between a chain saw and a rock 'n' roll band?

One makes a loud noise, the other is useful for cutting down trees.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

u2 played here a couple of weeks ago and the outcry was:"Too much rant and not enough roll."By the way, I think George did something akin to this , first.
I`m with Larry.

Troy বলেছেন...

George may have been the best, but his songs are not the songs that will be heard in a hundred years.

I could be wrong of course but ultimately who cares? I won't be here.

Bono is using his celebrity to feed people. What is wrong with that? The reporter asked him if it caused tension in the band and he said yes and then elaborated. I fail to see the pomposity or problewm with any of that.

Egoless glue??? There is not one person alive who has no ego. I would imagine U2 are still together because they love each other, they like what they're doing, and they make a helluva a lot of money. Bono has been married to the same woman for over 20 years with 4 kids (and he can feed them) to show for it. Perhaps he is able to make and keep a commitment. What a shocker.

Word verification word: Kubekws -- old Yankee fans will love that.

Lonesome Payne বলেছেন...

Troy -

Definitive proof that the word verification is not randomly generated. I'm not a Yankess fan, and even I know the 1960 Series was known to Yanks' fans as "the Kubek World Series," after he couldn't field a crucial hopper at short that bounced off his Adam's apple.

I got my tonsils out the day of game 7, by the way, which i think was the Kubek game. My earliest memory is my dad coming in after the operation to tell me that Mazeroski had hit a home run to beat the Yankees. (We lived in Chicago.) I think he was always grateful to me for getting my tonsils out that day so he could watch the game in the family lounge.

Eli Blake বলেছেন...

Whoops, you did indeed blog on that. I was obviously out to lunch.

And thanks for doing it even before I suggested it. You know what I'm thinking before I think it.

Canary বলেছেন...

Hey.. a google search on a topic brought me to your blog.. and boy, am i glued to all your entries now? :)