৪ জুন, ২০০৫

The spell is broken.

I watched the big National Spelling Bee the other day. Don't know why I didn't post about it. Maybe I didn't have the heart to say things about how the kids looked. (If a kid's going on TV and has even the shadow of a mustache, it's time to start shaving. Somebody needs to tell you that!) But looking back -- I was just reading this post over at Throwing Things -- I realize I do have something I wanted to say. I think the new success of the Spelling Bee, now that it's the subject of a movie and a Broadway show, has destroyed its beauty and innocence. Although some of the kids retained that classic nerdiness -- I loved the kid who turned to the side and talked into his fist for each syllable -- a lot of them had become smartasses, like the girl who asked "How do you spell that?" and the girl who heard a word and said "Whatever!" If you think you're cool, why am I watching you spell? The whole charm was that you were the completely uncool kids.

৬টি মন্তব্য:

Jim Gust বলেছেন...

(If a kid's going on TV and has even the shadow of a mustache, it's time to start shaving. Somebody needs to tell you that!)

I could not disagree more. Why do you think that? What is the point? So the kid looks younger than his true age? Why is that good? Grooming is important, shaving is not. To say that the custom of shaving is a capitalist plot to sell razors may go to far, but I really am mystified by the urge to be hairless.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

That's right, Ann, the media maw has eaten the Bee, digested the Bee, and is now making money on the Bee. There is a Broadway play, which of course mocks the kids and our horrible culture. And Hywood is making a movie of the Bee, all about racial discrimination and the Bee.

Anything not yet covered by Bee-ness?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Jim: I see you have a beard, but do you want to look at an 11-year-old with a beard? It's disturbing to see a child with facial hair. It just doesn't go with the face.

That said, I dislike facial hair on most men.

Evan বলেছেন...

Next year, you should try the National Geographic Bee... same great nerds but without Spelling-Bee fame!

How do I know? ...I was one of those nerds myself.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Evan: I'm sorry I missed it! Does ESPN broadcast it?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Moral Turpitude: People watching the Spelling Bee at a bar? Wow! Wonder if that's an "only in Madison" thing.