January 21, 2013

"We regret very much that the impression has been given to the public that rape victims are no longer able to be treated in Catholic hospitals."

"That is false."


Shouting Thomas said...

First, the article isn't necessarily about a "rape victim." The woman in question thought she might have been drugged and raped. Thought is a pretty key word here.

From the article:

The scandal has generated significant outrage in Germany, and comes at difficult time for the Catholic Church in the country. It has faced recent accusations that it undermined an investigation into sexual abuse at Catholic institutions, and has long been dogged by declining congregation numbers.

A lot of journolese boiler plate here, probably reflective of anti-Catholic animosity on the part of the press. The reference to "declining congregation numbers" is problematic. U.S. press always reports the same, but you couldn't prove it by the parishes I attend. Services are well attended.

TosaGuy said...

When the Catholic Church sex scandels are mentioned in politics and the press, the effort is as much to get a free ride with engaging in some anti-Catholic bigotry as it is to create context.

Wince said...

The teachings of the Catholic church are only useful when there's an execution or an armed conflict to oppose.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Anything that can be presented in a light to make the Church look bad, will. Same old, same old.

Sorun said...

Islamic hospitals will treat rape victims, but they risk getting flogged. for fornication.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

And Thomas-same where I live. Both large Catholic churches within a mile of me have had to add additional Sunday Masses within the last few months. It's all families with children, too. But this is not Germany.

Renee said...

Catholic Hospitals are allowed to use Plan B for rape victims, if there is no evidence that conception has occurred.


Part III Section 36 (page 21)

"Compassionate and understanding care should be given to a person who is the victim of sexual assault. Health care providers should cooperate with law enforcement officials and offer the person psychological and spiritual support as well as accurate medical information. A female who has been raped should be able to defend herself against a potential conception from the sexual assault. If, after appropriate testing, there is no evidence that conception has occurred already, she may be treated with medications that would prevent ovulation, sperm capacitation, or fertilization. It is not permissible, however, to initiate or to recommend treatments that have as their purpose or direct effect the removal, destruction, or interference with the implantation of a fertilized ovum.19"

edutcher said...

One asks if there is an ObamaTax-like health plan involved.

This wouldn't have happened if Der Fuhrer was in charge.

purplepenquin said...

This wouldn't have happened if Der Fuhrer was in charge.

Your constant Nazi references are even funnier when we're talking about Germany.

Robert Zaleski said...

It infuriates that they make laws that go against people's conscience. Then complain when people are scared to act because they will face the choice of either violating the law or that conscience. And then they trot out Morality as if they had some coherent morality forged over thousands of years. All the while proclaiming the need for Diversity.

But Catholics are the hipocrites right? Blah...

Baron Zemo said...

Same old Catholic bashing.

They will throwing out some more of the same crap when Catholic hospitals and services close because they can't violate the Church's teachings but submitting to Obamacare.

Paul said...

"We regret very much that the impression has been given to the public that rape victims are no longer able to be treated in Catholic hospitals."

But of course they hoped no one would notice and accept it as fact.

Baron Zemo said...

I personally think we should learn something from the Muslims. Not to be terrorists to be sure but to fight back when we are attacked.

I see no reason why we can not make politicians who attack the Church will have to face some consequensces.

Baron Zemo said...

For example Andrew Cuomo wants to allow people who aren't doctors to preform abortions. He is expanding abortion practices to unimagined lenghts in New York State. And he claims to be a "Catholic."

He needs to be excomunicated and deined the rights and sacrements of the Church.

He is something. But he is not a Catholic.

The Catholic Church should not take this anymore. It is time to make a stand.

Baron Zemo said...

If this law goes through, every Catholic hospital or hospice will have to close. And should close instead of violating the tenents of our Faith.

And people like Cuomo should pay the political price for doing that.

Saint Croix said...

Renee, thanks for that heads up, I hadn't heard that. That is apparently the rule in U.S. Catholic hospitals.

The Pope, on the other hand, is apparently not a fan of emergency contraception.

Sorry, the critics are right, and the Pope is way wrong.

I miss John Paul II.

Renee said...

Popes are not Presidents.

A Pope is a Pope.

All have the same agenda.

Renee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Renee said...

The Pope is in agreement with Emergency Contraception for rape, your WSJ had nothing to do with rape. If you intended to have sex, you shouldn't interfer with biology.

Theranter said...

Zemo:"If this law goes through, every Catholic hospital or hospice will have to close. And should close instead of violating the tenents of our Faith."

It's going through, this Friday. And as soon as the USCCB says they will have to close them, presto chango, they'll be taken over by the govt in the name of Natl Sec ty.