June 15, 2008

Stepping stones




Chip Ahoy said...

So who needs a silly garden globe when we've got Althouse's fisheye view?

Bissage said...

Here . . . ladies and gentlemen . . . is one of the truly crappiest songs EVAR . . . performed by one of the truly crappiest bands EVAR . . . realized by one of the truly crappiest YouTube thingies EVAR . . .


Why is it left to me to have to post such GARBAGE?!?!?!?!?

(Discipline . . . 007 . . . d.i.s.c.i.p.l.i.n..e . . .)


Chip Ahoy said...

I lurve these two photos, especially the top one. You, madam, are a true virtuoso of the wide angle lens. I would like to nick it, enlarge it to outrageous dimensions, and display it on the wall as art.

Chip Ahoy said...
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Chip Ahoy said...

Bissage, that Monkeys video is indeed badness taped with no parallel in the entire MIlky Way galaxy. It is utterly uniquely bad.

But this is bad too, just not as bad, and bad in a different way. Tommy Seebach plays Apache, dressed as a Hollywood version of an American indian with dancers dressed similarly. Incredibly goofy mugging to the camera with mysterious unseen violins.

Alcibiades said...

I love these two photos, too. They're perfect for the fisheye.